Saturday, July 2, 2011

Long Daily Trivia Quiz #173 - Animal Trivia Questions and Answers

84 Question animal trivia quiz - a long fun quiz.
  1. What kind of animal is the emblem of the US republican political
  2. What color is an ocelot?
  3. Which type of animals have more teeth, reptiles or mammals?
  4. A cow normally has how many teats?
  5. What is the only venomous snake found in Britain?
  6. What type of leaves does a Koala use for food?
  7. What type of animal is the main source of food for a mole?
  8. What is another name for a Guinea Pig?
  9. What kind of animals live in an apiary?
  10. What was Tarzan's Chimpanzee's name?
  11. Celeste was the wife of which fictional animal?
  12. What were the names of the two bears that lived in Jellystone
  13. What is the name for a collection of frogs?
  14. What kind of animal was "Gentle Ben" on the TV show?
  15. A female donkey is called a what?
  16. On a common lady bug, what color are the spots?>
  17. Which subhuman primate is the most intelligent?
  18. A mandrill is what type of creature?
  19. The most Asian elephants to be found in their natural habitat can
    be found in what country?
  20. Which animal is the fastest, a hare, greyhound, or horse?
  21. What type of animal is a Tasmanian Devil?
  22. Which sense is the weakest sense in most primates?
  23. Sika, fallow, and Roe, are what types of animal?
  24. Animals living in what type of habitat are arboreal animals?
  25. What type of animal produces gossamer?
  26. What kind of animal is the source of mohair?
  27. What land mammal other than man has the longest lifespan?
  28. Lupus is the Latin name for what animal?
  29. Who was the British TV personality that presented the show Animal
  30. Michael Bond created what famous bear?
  31. Walt Disney's famous deer was named what?
  32. A horse named Black Bess was ridden by who?
  33. In the Lone Range, what was Tonto's horse's name?
  34. What kind of animals were Chi Chi and An An?
  35. In the Jungle Book, what kind of creature was Baloo?
  36. How do bees communicate with each other?
  37. A stoat produces fur called what?
  38. What type of insect eats its mate after mating?
  39. Coral and algae have what kind of relationship?
  40. What kind of animals don't hunt or eat any meat?
  41. What is the name of the largest land animal?
  42. When caterpillar changes into an adult butterfly what is the
    change called?
  43. The study of animals is given the name of what?
  44. What type of mammals fly using echolocation?
  45. How many types of panda are there?
  46. The longest beetle in the world is how long?
  47. Animals without backbones are called what?
  48. An earthworm has how many hearts?
  49. A fluke is what kind of animal?
  50. The spots on a plaice are what color?
  51. An abalone is what kind of animal?
  52. The study of birds eggs is called what?
  53. What is the offspring of a mare and a male ass called?
  54. On a rabbit where would you find a scut?
  55. In Thailand, what is the sacred animal?
  56. Alphabetically, what animal comes first in the Chinese horoscope?
  57. Alphabetically, what animal comes last in the Chinese horoscope?
  58. What type of animal is the symbol of medicine?
  59. Which type of semi aquatic animal is a lutra-lutra?
  60. What animals make a sound called nuzzing?
  61. What animal is the symbol of long life in Korea?
  62. A Curry Comb is used on what type of creature?
  63. The llama belongs to what family to what family of animals?
  64. Eskimos call what kind of creature a nanook?
  65. Which animal has the longest lifespan in captivity?
  66. In Peru, what animal provides 50% of all the protein eatin?
  67. What animal pollinates banana plants in the wild?
  68. A fennec is what type of animal?
  69. What kind of creature always gives birth to same sex twins?
  70. The Suidae family is made up of what animals?
  71. A markhor is what type of animal?
  72. What type of insect has the best eyesight?
  73. What form was the Egyptian god Sobek?
  74. A cow's stomach has how many chambers?
  75. How many humps does an African camel have?
  76. Who are the queen bee's closest servants in a beehive?
  77. What is the animal with the Latin name "syncerus caffer"?
  78. A Quagga is an extinct animal that was a distant cousin to which
    animal that exists today?
  79. What does a carpophagus animal feed on?
  80. Which animal has rectangular pupils?
  81. What kind of animal mates only once for 12 hours and can sleep
    for three years?
  82. Do mosquitoes have teeth?
  83. A typical mayfly lives for how many days?
  84. What is a fox's den called?

Answers to Trivia Quiz #173 - Animal Trivia

  1. Elephant.
  2. Yellow with black markings.
  3. Mammals.
  4. Four.
  5. Adder.
  6. Eucalyptus.
  7. Earthworms.
  8. Cavy.
  9. Bees.
  10. Cheta.
  11. Babar the Elephant.
  12. Yogi and Boo Boo.
  13. Army.
  14. A Bear.
  15. Jenny.
  16. Black.
  17. Chimpanzee.
  18. Monkey.
  19. India.
  20. Hare.
  21. Marsupial.
  22. Sense of Smell.
  23. Deer.
  24. In or amongst trees.
  25. Spider.
  26. Angora Goat.
  27. Elephant.
  28. Wolf.
  29. Johnny Morris.
  30. Paddington Bear.
  31. Bambi.
  32. Dick Trupin.
  33. Scout.
  34. Panda bears.
  35. A bear.
  36. Dancing.
  37. Ermine.
  38. Preying Mantis.
  39. Symbiotic.
  40. Herbivore.
  41. Elephant.
  42. Metamorphous.
  43. Zoology.
  44. Bats.
  45. Two, the giant and the lesser.
  46. Six inches.
  47. Invertebrates.
  48. 5.
  49. Worm.
  50. Orange.
  51. Marine snail.
  52. Oology.
  53. A mule.
  54. The tail.
  55. The white elephant.
  56. Boar.
  57. Tiger.
  58. Snake.
  59. An Otter.
  60. Camels.
  61. The Deer.
  62. Horse.
  63. Camel.
  64. Polar Bear.
  65. Giant Tortoise.
  66. The Guinea Pig.
  67. Bats.
  68. A Desert Fox.
  69. Armadillo.
  70. Pigs.
  71. Wild goat.
  72. Dragonfly.
  73. Crocodile.
  74. 4.
  75. One.
  76. Drones.
  77. Cape Buffalo.
  78. Zebra.
  79. Fruit.
  80. Goat.
  81. Snail.
  82. yes.
  83. One.
  84. Earth.