Monday, October 18, 2010

Daily Trivia Quiz #21 - USA Trivia - Questions with Answers

Trivia Quiz of the day #21 - Questions; USA - Answers at bottom of page.

  1. El Paso is at the foot of which mountains?
  2. In which state is the USA's highest mountain?
  3. Which river divides Boston and Cambridge?
  4. The IMF was founded in Bretton Woods in which state?
  5.  Which wind's name is North American Indian for snow eater?
  6. Which street crosses Times Square at 42nd Street?
  7. Which state's largest port is at the head of the Cook inlet?
  8. Which ocean around America is the saltiest?
  9. Roosevelt named it Shang ri la, what is it now called?
  10. What separates cape Cod from the rest of Massachusetts?
  11. Who was Nevada's capital city named after?
  12. Which lake is linked by anal to the St. Lawrence and Hudson
  13. Which mountain system stretches from Alabama to Quebec?
  14. Where are the headquarters of Coca Cola?
  15. Charleston is on which river?
  16. Which is the largest of the inlets on the Atlantic coast?
  17. Cleveland is on which of the Great Lakes?
  18. What is the third largest city of the USA?
  19. Denver is on which river?
  20. The Black Hills are composed of which rock?
  21. Where is Wayne State University?
  22. What was called Windy City by a New York newspaper editor?
  23. Mount Mitchell is the highest peak in which mountains?
  24. What is the world's second longest single span bridge?
  25. What is the largest city in Maryland?

Daily Trivia Quiz #21 -  USA - Answers

  1. Franklin Mountains.
  2. Alaska.
  3. Charles.
  4. New Hampshire.
  5. Chinook.
  6. Broadway.
  7. Alaska.
  8. North Atlantic.
  9. Camp David.
  10. Cape Cod canal.
  11. Kit Carson.
  12. Champlain.
  13. Appalachians.
  14. Atlanta.
  15. Kanawaha.
  16. Chesapeake Bay.
  17. Erie.
  18. Chicago.
  19. South Platte.
  20. Granite.
  21. Detroit.
  22. Chicago.
  23. Blue Ridge Mountains.
  24. Golden Gate Bridge.
  25. Baltimore.