Monday, June 27, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #168 - Trivia Questions About The Human Body

Human Body Trivia Questions with Answers about the Human Body

  1. What structure joins a bone to a muscle?
  2. What is the shoulder blade called in a human?
  3. What is the scientific name for a human kneecap?
  4. The Hypothalamus regulates what in the human body?
  5. Which part of the human digestive system is the most acidic?
  6. What human organ is protected by the cranium?
  7. The tube connecting the kidney to the bladder is called what?
  8. Where in the human body can one find alveoli?
  9. What is the muscle used for breathing called which separates the
    chest from the abdomen?
  10. Where in the human body are red blood cells produced?
  11. Which finger has the fastest growing nail?
  12. Which sex is twice as likely to catch leprosy?
  13. The most insect bitten part of the human body is what part?
  14. Cholecystitis affects what part of the human body?
  15. When sneezing, what part of the body is it impossible to keep
  16. Which bone is the hardest bone in the human body?
  17. What is an erythrocyte?
  18. How long is the small intestine in a human?
  19. What is the roughly 24-hour cycle in the physiological processes
    of living things called?
  20. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in what part of the human body?
  21. Where is one's gluteus maximus located?
  22. Veins carry blood to what organ?
  23. What component is shared by hair, nails, and skin?
  24. The tendon at the top of the human heel is called what?
  25. What bone is also called the tibia?
  26. Hepatitis affects which organ?
  27. How many teeth do humans have?
  28. How many senses to human beings have?
  29. In the human body, what is the longest bone?
  30. The major artery in the side of the neck is called what?
  31. Where is ones uvula located in the body?
  32. What are the two bones in the forearm called?
  33. What disease does a tick bite spread?
  34. Serborrheic dermatitis is more commonly called what term?
  35. A phlebotomist specializes in what?
  36. What are the three parts of the backbone called?
  37. The study of the skin is called the study of what?
  38. What is the term in medicine given to the deficiency of blood
    sugar which may occur after too large a dose of insulin has been
  39. Double, tented, radial and Ulnar loops, arches and whorls are
    found on what parts of the human body?
  40. What does necrotizing fasciitis attack?
  41. The light sensitive membrane on the inner lining of the eyeball
    is called what?
  42. What is another name for the disease known as Varicella?
  43. What is the term used for a breast X-ray?
  44. What instrument is used to measure blood pressure?
  45. What human organs are affected by glaucoma?
  46. Which human bone is most often broken?
  47. What deficiency causes anemia?
  48. What is another more common term for acetylsalicylic acid?
  49. Which is the lowest of the seven vertebrae?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #168 - Human Body Answers

  1. Tendon.
  2. Scapula.
  3. Patella.
  4. Physiologic stability.
  5. Stomach.
  6. The human brain.
  7. Ureter.
  8. The Lung.
  9. Diaphragm.
  10. In the bone marrow.
  11. Middle finger.
  12. The male.
  13. Foot.
  14. Gall bladder.
  15. Eyes.
  16. Jaw bone.
  17. A red blood cell.
  18. 4 to 7 meters.
  19. Circadian rhythms.
  20. Hand or fingers.
  21. Your buttocks.
  22. Heart.
  23. Keratin.
  24. Achilles tendon.
  25. The shin bone.
  26. Liver.
  27. 32.
  28. 5.
  29. Femur.
  30. Carotid.
  31. At the back of the throat.
  32. Ulna and radius.
  33. Lyme disease.
  34. Dandruff.
  35. Drawing blood.
  36. Lumbar, Cervical, and thoracic.
  37. Dermatology.
  38. Hypoglycemia.
  39. Thumbs and fingers.
  40. Skin or flesh.
  41. Retina.
  42. Chickenpox.
  43. Mammogram.
  44. Sphygmomanometer.
  45. Eyes.
  46. Collar bone.
  47. Red blood cells.
  48. Aspirin.
  49. Coccyx.