Friday, March 18, 2011

Almost Daily Trivia Quiz #94 - Fun Easier Trivia

Easy trivia questions and answers.

  1. Which item, essential for world travel, is made in Seattle?
  2. What entertainment consists of people singing to a backing tape?
  3. What color are the stars on the United States of America flag?
  4. What used to go round at thirty three and a third r.p.m.?
  5. Who was Diana Prince able to change into?
  6. Which Ford first mass-produced the car?
  7. Which anti-impotence treatment became the 90s 
    fastest-selling prescription drug?
  8. Lourdes Maria is what relation to Madonna?
  9. Which Frankie sang about Venus in the 50s?
  10. The Heisman Trophy is presented in which sport.
  11. Which Christmas record was the world's most-bought single before
    Candle In the Wind 97?
  12. What was the name of flight pioneers Orville and Wilbur?
  13. What kind of codes did American supermarkets introduce in the mid
  14. Which solo singer with a single name accompanied Rod Stewart and
    Bryan Adams on All For Love?
  15. In which year did Bill and Hillary Clinton get married?
  16. Who had a 70s No 1 with Knock Three Times?
  17. Who was born first, Kim Basinger or Melanie Griffith?
  18. Who had a 90s hit with The Shoop Shoop Song?
  19. In which city was Marco Polo airport built?
  20. EuroDisney was built in which country?
  21. In 1993 which op artist changed his name to a symbol?
  22. Yitzhak Rabin was Prime Minister of which country when he was
    assassinated in 1995?
  23. What sort of transport is a Kayak?
  24. Which animal name was given to the terrorist Carlos who was tried
    in 1997?
  25. How did Frances Gumm become known on stage?
  26. Who was President during WWI?
  27. Which Justin set the 98 British Open alight as an amateur?
  28. In 1990 Lithuania declared its independence from what?
  29. How are the Motion Picture Academy Awards also known?
  30. What is the postal abbreviation for Vermont?
  31. Who was Allied Supreme Commander in Europe in 1944?
  32. Thelonious Monk was associated with which musical instrument?
  33. What is the main color of the UN flag?
  34. Under what name did sharp-tongued Joan Molinksy become famous?
  35. Who was born first, Chevy Chase or Nicolas Cage?
  36. Was Abbott or Costello born in the 20th century?
  37. In which decade of the 20th century was Glenn Close born?
  38. What type of cat introduced MGM movies?
  39. T. E. Lawrence's name is mostly associated with which country?
  40. Who had a 50s No 1 with Poor Little Fool?
  41. Which Janet had a 1990 NO 1 with Escapade?
  42. Which military title did Elvis's manage Rom Parker assume?
  43. In which branch of the arts did Dame Alicia Markova find fame?
  44. P W Botha was prime minister of which country?

Answers to Daily Trivia Quiz # 94 - Easy

  1. Jet planes.
  2. Karaoke.
  3. White.
  4. Long-playing records.
  5. Wonder woman.
  6. Henry.
  7. Viagra.
  8. Daughter.
  9. Avalon.
  10. Football.
  11. White Christmas.
  12. Wright.
  13. Bar codes.
  14. Sting.
  15. 1975.
  16. A:
  17. Kim Basinger.
  18. Cher.
  19. Venice.
  20. France.
  21. Prince.
  22. Israel.
  23. Canoe.
  24. The Jackal.
  25. Judy Garland.
  26. Woodrow Wilson.
  27. Rose.
  28. USSR.
  29. Oscars.
  30. VT.
  31. Dwight D Eisenhower.
  32. Piano.
  33. Blue.
  34. Joan Rivers.
  35. Chevy Chase.
  36. Costello.
  37. 1940s.
  38. Lion.
  39. Arabia.
  40. Ricky Nelson.
  41. Jackson.
  42. Colonel.
  43. Ballet.
  44. South Africa.