Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Daily Trivia Quiz #4 - Bible Questions and Answers

Trivia Quiz of the day - questions about the Bible -
Answers at bottom of page.

  1. Whose wife was turned into a pillar of Salt?
  2. What is the alternative name for the Authorized Version of the
  3. Who killed Goliath with a sling and a stone?
  4. What profession did St. Luke supposedly follow?
  5. Whose favorite son was sold into Egypt by his jealous
  6. What was the source of Samson's strength?
  7. Who was the first to meet with the risen Jesus?
  8. Who was the Roman procurator who confirmed the sentence of death
    on Christ?
  9. As a reward for which skill did Salome demand the gift of John
    the Baptist's head?
  10. According to the Bible, where was Daniel imprisoned?
  11. Which book of the Old Testament is a collection of moral and
    ethical maxims?
  12. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the Great Flood?
  13. What is the title shared by four books of the New Testament?
  14. Who committed suicide after receiving 30 pieces of silver as a
    payment for betraying his master?
  15. Who made the Golden Calf for the Hebrews to worship while Moses
    was on Mount Sinai?
  16. Who was formed from the dust by God, then given the breath of
    life, to become the progenitor of the human race?
  17. Who was the brother of Martha, raised from the dead by Jesus?
  18. Which was the Canaanite town whose walls fell at the blast of
    Joshua's trumpets?
  19. Where was Jesus arrested?
  20. What are the 150 sacred poems and songs of praise said to have
    been written by David?
  21. What comprise the Decalogue?
  22. In what did the prophet Jonah spend three days and three nights?
  23. Which two priceless resins were brought by the Magi to the infant
  24. What is the collective word for the writers of the four Gospels?
  25. What were the names of Noah's three sons?
  26. Which five books of the Old Testament make up the Pentateuch?
  27. Which of the New Testament gospels is not synoptic?
  28. Which biblical son of King David was caught by his hair in a tree
    while fleeing on a mule?
  29. Who was the son of Jesse, father of Solomon and second king of

Daily Trivia Quiz #3  Answers

  1. Lot
  2. King James Bible
  3. David
  4. Medicine.
  5. Jacob.
  6. His hair.
  7. Mary Magdalene.
  8. Pontius Pilate.
  9. Dancing.
  10. Lion's Den
  11. Proverbs.
  12. Genesis.
  13. John.
  14. Judas Iscariot.
  15. Aaron.
  16. Adam.
  17. Lazarus.
  18. Jericho.
  19. Garden of Gethsemane.
  20. Psalms.
  21. The Ten.
  22. In the belly of a whale.
  23. Frankincense and myrrh.
  24. The Evangelists.
  25. Shem; Ham; Japheth
  26. Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy
  27. John's Gospel.
  28. Absalom.
  29. David.
A great site for free trivia questions and answers

Trivia Quiz of the day - questions about science - Answers at bottom of page.

  1. What delta-winged supersonic transport is the fastest passenger
  2. What comet was first sighted by the Chinese in 240 B.C.?
  3. What does "SPF" mean on sunscreen containers?
  4. What M-word is defined  as "a device that changes sound into
    electric current"?
  5. What brand became the first sugar-free sugar substitute, in 1957?
  6. What colorless gas is essential in the production of fertilizers
    and light bulbs?
  7. What weapon did German gunsmith August Kotter unload on the world
    in 1520?
  8. What explosive jelly is combined with gasoline to make incendiary
  9. What did Dr. Heinrich Dreser hype as a non addictive substitute
    for morphine in 1898?
  10. What did the Nimbus-7 satellite monitor changes in the depth of?
  11. What body part is low-density lipoprotein most likely to clog?
  12. What's wire rope most often called?
  13. What was the short word for "Infantile Paralysis" on 1950s March
    of Dimes posters?
  14. What book did Christians often place on their foreheads to cure
    insomnia in medieval times?
  15. What are you shopping for it you're sized up  by a Brannock
  16. What's the most common automotive essential that is measured in
    terms of its viscosity?
  17. What did 18th-century chemist Antoine Lavoisier prove was a
    compound of hydrogen and oxygen?
  18. What objects are studied in what enthusiasts call "ufology"?
  19. Who's known in the shrink biz as "Weird Beard"?
  20. What's the unit of capacity for fuel wood?
  21. How many of every ten coffee beans in USDA approved coffee
    can be moldy, insect-infested or insect-damaged?
  22. What's the English title of Freud's book Traumdeutung?
  23. What celestial objects were once referred to as "hairy
  24. What piece of  lumber's actual size is one-and-a-half
    by three-and-a-half inches when "surfaced"?
  25. What tool did astronomer Rodger Thompson say is
    "fundamentally altering our view of the universe"?
  26. What's the most common contributor to chronic bronchitis?
  27. What constellation points to the south celestial pole?
  28. What's the study of materials at very low temperatures?
  29. What unit of length is derived from the Latin word uncia?
  30. What country launched Europe's first super-high-speed
    passenger train, in 1981?
  31. What's believed by many to be a satellite of Neptune that
    escaped its primary orbit?
  32. What planet is circled by only two moons?
  33. What artillery weapon was launched upon the world in 400
  34. What procedure is performed on an abscess if the dentist
    thinks the tooth can be saved?
  35. What Greek advised: "Let your food be your medicine, and
    your medicine by your food"?
  36. What does an anthropophagic census-taker fear?

Daily Trivia Quiz #3  Answers

  1. The Concorde.
  2. Halley's Comet.
  3. Sun Protection factor.
  4. Microphone.
  5. Sweet' n Low.
  6. Nitrogen.
  7. The rifle.
  8. Napalm.
  9. Heroin.
  10. The ozone layer.
  11. Arteries.
  12. Cable.
  13. Polio.
  14. The Bible.
  15. Shoes.
  16. Oil.
  17. Water.
  18. Unidentified flying objects.
  19. Sigmund Freud.
  20. A cord.
  21. One.
  22. The Interpretation of Dreams.
  23. Comets.
  24. A two-by-four.
  25. The Hubble telescope.
  26. Smoking.
  27. The Southern Cross.
  28. Cryogenics.
  29. The inch.
  30. France.
  31. Pluto.
  32. Mars.
  33. The catapult.
  34. Root canal.
  35. Hippocrates.
  36. People.