Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Almost Daily Trivia Quiz #104 - Trivia About US Presidents and Presidential Related Events

Fun Presidential Trivia Quiz Questions - Scroll down for answers.
  1. Who called Eisenhower, Hoover and Truman in the early morning hours
    of November 23, 1963?
  2. Who told Jimmy Carter in a debate: "There is no Soviet
    domination of Eastern Europe"?
  3. Whose 1800 presidential campaign did the Hartford Courant offer a
    formal apology for opposing, in 1993?
  4. What presidential candidate did Ronald Reagan support when voting
    for the first time?
  5. Kitty Kelly wrote an Unauthorized Biography about which First Lady?
  6. Which First Lady was born Mamie Doud?
  7. In the 60s what was the first name of John F. Kennedy's wife?
  8. Whose assassination was Sam Seymour the last living witness to,
    until his death in 1956?
  9. What name did romantic George Bush paint on his bomber during World
    War II?
  10. Where was JFK when he said the U.S. "never had to put up a
    wall to keep our people in"?
  11. What three words did George Bush say before "no new
    taxes" in 1988?
  12. Who did Abraham Lincoln promote to major general of volunteers
    after he captured Fort Henry and Fort Donelson?
  13. Whose 1823 doctrine said the Western Hemisphere was not open to
    colonization or aggression by European nations?
  14. What card game did Dwight D. Eisenhower play fanatically while
    planning for D-Day?
  15. What date saw FDR sign the U.S. declaration of war against Japan?
Answers to Daily Trivia Quiz # 104 - US President Trivia

  1. Lyndon B. Johnson.
  2. Gerald Ford.
  3. Thomas Jefferson's.
  4. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  5. Nancy Regan.
  6. Maime Eisenhower.
  7. Jackie.
  8. Abraham Lincoln's.
  9. Barbara.
  10. West Berlin.
  11. Read my lips.
  12. Ulysses S. Grant.
  13. James Monroe's.
  14. Bridge.
  15. December 8, 1941.