Saturday, June 18, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #159 - Interesting Fun Trivia Questions about Places

Trivia questions and answers involving places, locations, areas, cities, countries etc.
  1. What's the southernmost nation on the Balkan Peninsula?
  2. What city has been the center of the U.S. oil industry since
  3. What country is only bordered by Spain?
  4. What Frenchman designed the national flag of Italy?
  5. What valley separates East Africa from the remainder of the
  6. What Milanese opera house has a name meaning "The Stairs" in
  7. What continent is cut into two fairly equal halves by the Tropic
    of Capricorn?
  8. What nation has the longest school year?
  9. What storied Sudanese city's name means "elephant's trunk"?
  10. What title would you hold in Germany if townsfolk addressed you
    as Burgermeister?
  11. What Scandinavian country are you in if you're vacationing in
  12. What's squid cooked in if you order calamare en su tinta at a
    Spanish restaurant?
  13. What U.S. state pays its governor the most money?
  14. What state grew to become the second most populous in the U.S. ,
    by 1994?
  15. What tourist state leads the U.S. in booze consumption per
  16. What city do Saudis cal Makkah?
  17. What continent has the most countries represented in the U.N.?
  18. What do residents of Bunyol, Spain, throw at each other during
    the LA Tomatina Festival?
  19. What Spanish islands are Gomera, Hierro and Lanzarote a part of?
  20. What nation has 1,000 permanent inhabitants and produces no
    export goods?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #159

  1. Greece.
  2. Houston.
  3. Portugal.
  4. Napoleon.
  5. The Great Rift Valley.
  6. La Scala.
  7. Australia.
  8. Japan.
  9. Khartoum's.
  10. Mayor.
  11. Norway.
  12. Its ink.
  13. New York.
  14. Texas.
  15. Nevada.
  16. Mecca.
  17. Africa.
  18. Tomatoes.
  19. The Canary Islands.
  20. Vatican City.