Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trivia Quiz #202 - US and World Politics Quiz Questions

US & World Political Trivia - Questions and Answers

  1. What politician and U.S. President said, "You let a bully come into
    your front yard, and the next day he'll be on your porch"?
  2. In the mid 60s, who was the head of the political wing of the
  3. In the 1935 British adventure film Sanders of the River, what
    African political leader portrayed a tribal chief?
  4. What president's real campaign footage appeared in Clint
    Eastwood's movie In The Line of Fire?
  5. What's the name of the British political regime 1649-60
    established by Oliver Cromwell?
  6. Patti Reagan distanced herself from politics by changing her last
    name to what at the age of 22?
  7. The Democratic party was first associated with what symbol in an
    1870 cartoon by Thomas Nast?
  8. How many US Presidents were involved in the Vietnam war?
  9. What country had rampant political corruption that was
    investigated by the Mani pulite, or "Clean Hands," of the 1990s?
  10. What Irish political movement is named after a phrase meaning "We
  11. Pope John Paul II in the 1980s supported what Polish political
  12. Zionism got its name from the hill in Jerusalem boasting what
  13. Richard Nixon agreed to cough up $432,000 to pay what in April of
  14. Who was the winner of Taiwan's first democratic presidential
  15. Al Gore is the politician credited with popularizing what phrase?
  16. Roger Clinton, brother to Bill Clinton, had a band and recorded
    the CD Nothing Good Comes Easy. What was the name of his band?
  17. Apartheid the political system in South Africa, was gradually
    dismantled beginning in what year?
  18. Al Gore was elected Senator for what state in 1985?
  19. Rebecca Latimer Selton held what distinction in the political
  20. What US politician coined the term "lunatic fringe"?
  21. How long was the longest filibusters on record, by South Carolina
    Republican senator Strom Thurmond?
  22. What was the first name of the reformer Wilberforce, the composer
    Walton, and the politician Gladstone?
  23. What US politician made claims of communist infiltration in the
  24. What politicians spouse was fount innocent of defrauding US banks
    in 1990?
  25. What presidential candidate except for George Washington, to run
  26. Who was the future senator that scored the only touchdown for
    Harvard when they played Yale in 1955?
  27. What was the name of the future politician the led the AFL in
    passing yards for the 1960s?
  28. Who was the only U.S. Senator from a Confederate state to remain
    in Congress after secession?
  29. Reports of an affair with Donna Rice ended the presidential
    campaign of what Senator?

Answers to Daily Trivia Quiz #202 - Political and Politics Trivia

  1. Lyndon Johnson.
  2. Nguyenh Huu Tho.
  3. Jomo Kenyatta, who later became the president of Kenya.
  4. Bill Clinton's.
  5. The Commonwealth.
  6. Davis.
  7. A donkey.
  8. Five.
  9. Italy.
  10. Sinn Fein.
  11. Solidarity.
  12. The Temple of Solomon.
  13. Back Taxes.
  14. Lee Teng-Hui.
  15. A:  "information superhighway"?
  16. Politics.
  17. 1989.
  18. Tennessee.
  19. She was the first woman to become a U.S. Senator.
  20. Teddy Roosevelt.
  21. 24 hours and 18 minutes.
  22. William.
  23. Joe McCarthy.
  24. Imelda Marcos.
  25. James Monroe.
  26. Edward M. Kennedy.
  27. Jack Kemp.
  28. Andrew Jackson.
  29. Senator Gary Hart.