Thursday, June 30, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #171 - Fish Questions - Octopus, Whale, Herring, Salmon, Lumpsucker, Starfish, and More!

Fun Interesting Fish Related Trivia Questions
  1. Do reptiles, fish, or mammals have the most teeth?
  2. What kind of animal can be a minke, grey, or bowhead?
  3. What type of fish are members of the class Asteroidea?
  4. A lumpsucker is what type of creature?
  5. Dolphins travel in family groups called what?
  6. How many tentacles does an octopus have?
  7. What animal was the largest to ever live on the planet earth?
  8. What kind of animal is called a razorshell?
  9. Coral and algae have what kind of relationship?
  10. What kind of creature sleeps with one eye open?
  11. A sea horse is what kind of creature?
  12. Which fish family is the pilchard a member?
  13. An abalone is what kind of animal?
  14. What kind of birds are trained to catch and fetch fish?
  15. A kipper is a what?
  16. What type of fish is the world's largest fish?
  17. A squid has how many arms?
  18. What form was the Egyptian god Sobek?
  19. Which animals are the only other animals other than humans that
    get pleasure out of sex?
  20. What kind of animal is a mud puppy?
  21. Where would one find a fish's caudal fin?
  22. The Anchovy belongs to what fish family?
  23. What part of a sturgeon is the caviar?
  24. In what kind of fish are alevin and parr stage in the
  25. What kind of fish is a sardine also know as?
  26. What type of creature has the most teeth at one time?
  27. The common European has another name, what is it?

Answers to Trivia Quiz #171 - Fish Trivia

  1. Mammal.
  2. Whale.
  3. Starfish.
  4. A fish.
  5. Pods.
  6. Eight.
  7. The Blue Whale.
  8. A mollusk.
  9. Symbiotic.
  10. Dolphin.
  11. A fish.
  12. Herring.
  13. Marine snail.
  14. Cormorants.
  15. Smoked herring.
  16. Whale shark.
  17. Ten.
  18. Crocodile.
  19. Dolphins.
  20. Fish.
  21. Tail.
  22. Herring.
  23. Roe.
  24. Salmon.
  25. A young Pilchard.
  26. Dolphins.
  27. Dover sole.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #170 - Cat Trivia Questions and Answers

Fun Free cat trivia. Questions about all kinds of cats wild and domestic.

  1. What color is an ocelot?
  2. What cat does not have a tail?
  3. In the film "Bringing Up Baby", what kind of animal was featured?
  4. What was the cross-eyed lion's name in 'Daktari'?
  5. What animal was the body of the Egyptian Sphinx based on?
  6. What is the fastest land mammal?
  7. What animal was the symbol of liberty in ancient Rome?
  8. Alphabetically, what animal comes last in the Chinese horoscope?
  9. Cats are feline, what are sheep?
  10. What can a cheetah not do that a tiger and a puma can do?
  11. House cats have how many claws in total?
  12. What is the largest member of the cat family?
  13. In the navy, what was the name given to a whip oft used?
  14. Who is the policeman you associate with Top Cat?
  15. Year of the Cat was song by what artist?
  16. Which cat "vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin"?
  17. What type of electrical device used a "Cat's Whisker".
  18. What is the name of the cat that became a star of the commercials for Whiskas?
  19. What is the name of the cat that Tony Blair inherited in 1997 from John Major?
  20. Who played the part of Pussy galore in the film Goldfinger?
  21. In medical CAT scans what do any 2 of 3 letters of CAT stand for?
  22. Who composed the music for the Pink Panther films?
  23. Which chart-topping 70s group took their name from 1 of TS Elliot's "Cats?
  24. Mountain lions are sometimes called what other name?
  25. For the musical "cats" who wrote the music?
  26. Jaguars live on what continent?
  27. July and August are two months in which star sign?
  28. What cat was the first character to make the transition from movie screen to cartoon strip?
  29. What animal can run at a speed of 70 mile per hour?

Answers to Trivia Quiz #170 - Cat Triva Answers

  1. Yellow with black markings.
  2. Manx.
  3. Leopard.
  4. Clarence.
  5. Lion.
  6. Cheetah.
  7. Cat.
  8. Tiger.
  9. Ovine.
  10. Retract it's claws.
  11. 18.
  12. Tiger.
  13. Cat of nine tails.
  14. Officer Dibble.
  15. Al Stewart.
  16. Cheshire Cat.
  17. A radio.
  18. Arthur.
  19. Humphrey
  20. Honor Blackman
  21. Computerized Axial Tomography.
  22. Henry Mancini.
  23. Mungo Jerry.
  24. Puma.
  25. Andrew Lloyd Webber.
  26. South America,
  27. Leo.
  28. Felix.
  29. Cheetah.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Long Daily Trivia Quiz #169 - 63 Trivia Question Quiz With Answers about the Human Body

Fun Free Human Body Trivia Quiz Questions

  1. What was the first effective antibiotic used in medicine?
  2. What component is shared by hair, nails, and skin?
  3. What are the two distinct layers of human skin called?
  4. The breast bone in a human is also know as what?
  5. What is the scientific name for the belly button?
  6. The tendon at the top of the human heel is called what?
  7. What bone is also called the tibia?
  8. Where is one's gluteus maximus located?
  9. Veins carry blood to what organ?
  10. How many senses to human beings have?
  11. In the human body, what is the longest bone?
  12. Which sex is twice as likely to catch leprosy?
  13. The most insect bitten part of the human body is what part?
  14. Cholecystitis affects what part of the human body?
  15. When sneezing, what part of the body is it impossible to keep
  16. Hepatitis affects which organ?
  17. How many teeth do humans have?
  18. What is the substance that makes up most of the human body?
  19. Where is ones pituitary gland located?
  20. Where would one find ones olfactory organs?
  21. What organs are involved in renal failure?
  22. The metacarpus is what part of your body?
  23. What disease does the Wasserman test look for?
  24. What is the more common name for the maxilla bone?
  25. What disease would cause one to put on allopurinol?
  26. What is the scientific term for the thigh bone?
  27. What is myeloid tissue also called?
  28. What were the names of the first recorded pair of Siamese twins?
  29. What is another word meaning masticating?
  30. What part of the body is enlarged in Encephalitis?
  31. When the sun activates your melanocytes what appear on your body?
  32. What are the four main blood groups?
  33. Found on the human body, especially the face, what is another
    name for lentigines?
  34. Myalgia affects what part of the human body?
  35. Gingivitis is inflammation of what part of the human body?
  36. Pulmonic refers to what part of the body?
  37. What is the scientific name for the removal of ones kidney?
  38. What is the common name for swelling and inflammation of the
    thyroid gland?
  39. Where in the body is the pineal gland located?
  40. The pollex is what part of the hand?
  41. How many chambers are there in the human heart?
  42. What are people doing while osculating?
  43. What are ones front cutting teeth also known as?
  44. What non-contagious disease is the most common?
  45. What does it mean if one is hirsute?
  46. Insulin is produced by what organ in the human body?
  47. If you can't stop moving your fingers and toes what do you have?
  48. In humans, what are the two types of blood corpuscles?
  49. Which of the 5 human senses is most closely linked with memory?
  50. What bodily function can reach speeds of over 200 miles per hour?
  51. In a splenectomy what is being removed?
  52. What are the four tastes that a human can detect?
  53. A polyorchid man has at least three of what?
  54. Where is the thickest part of the human skin?
  55. Which finger has the fastest growing nail?
  56. Which bone is the hardest bone in the human body?
  57. What is the outermost layer of skin called?
  58. What temperature in degrees centigrade is the average human body
  59. What are the four types of teeth?
  60. What is the soft area of cartilage in a baby's head called?
  61. What hormone controls the supply of sugar to the muscles?
  62. The bridge can be found on what part of the body?
  63. What is the muscle used for breathing called which separates the
    chest from the abdomen?
Answers to Trivia Quiz   #168 - Human Body Answers

  1. Penicillin.
  2. Keratin.
  3. Dermis and epidermis.
  4. Sternum.
  5. Umbilicus.
  6. Achilles tendon.
  7. The shin bone.
  8. Your buttocks.
  9. Heart.
  10. 5.
  11. Femur.
  12. The male.
  13. Foot.
  14. Gall bladder.
  15. Eyes.
  16. Liver.
  17. 32.
  18. Water.
  19. In the brain.
  20. On ones face, the nose.
  21. Kidneys.
  22. Your hand.
  23. Syphillis.
  24. Upper Jaw.
  25. Gout.
  26. Femur.
  27. Bone marrow.
  28. Chang and Eng.
  29. Chewing.
  30. Brain.
  31. Freckles.
  32. A, B, AB, and O.
  33. Freckles.
  34. Muscles.
  35. Gums.
  36. Lungs.
  37. Nephrectomy.
  38. Goiter.
  39. Brain.
  40. Thumb.
  41. 4.
  42. Kissing.
  43. Incisors.
  44. Tooth decay.
  45. You are hairy.
  46. Pancreas.
  47. Athetosis.
  48. Red and white.
  49. Sense of smell.
  50. Sneeze.
  51. Spleen.
  52. Sweet, Sour, Salt, Bitter.
  53. Testicles.
  54. The back.
  55. Middle finger.
  56. Jaw bone.
  57. Epidermis.
  58. 37 degrees.
  59. Incisors, canine, pre-molars, and molars.
  60. Fontanelle.
  61. Insulin.
  62. Nose.
  63. Diaphragm.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #168 - Trivia Questions About The Human Body

Human Body Trivia Questions with Answers about the Human Body

  1. What structure joins a bone to a muscle?
  2. What is the shoulder blade called in a human?
  3. What is the scientific name for a human kneecap?
  4. The Hypothalamus regulates what in the human body?
  5. Which part of the human digestive system is the most acidic?
  6. What human organ is protected by the cranium?
  7. The tube connecting the kidney to the bladder is called what?
  8. Where in the human body can one find alveoli?
  9. What is the muscle used for breathing called which separates the
    chest from the abdomen?
  10. Where in the human body are red blood cells produced?
  11. Which finger has the fastest growing nail?
  12. Which sex is twice as likely to catch leprosy?
  13. The most insect bitten part of the human body is what part?
  14. Cholecystitis affects what part of the human body?
  15. When sneezing, what part of the body is it impossible to keep
  16. Which bone is the hardest bone in the human body?
  17. What is an erythrocyte?
  18. How long is the small intestine in a human?
  19. What is the roughly 24-hour cycle in the physiological processes
    of living things called?
  20. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in what part of the human body?
  21. Where is one's gluteus maximus located?
  22. Veins carry blood to what organ?
  23. What component is shared by hair, nails, and skin?
  24. The tendon at the top of the human heel is called what?
  25. What bone is also called the tibia?
  26. Hepatitis affects which organ?
  27. How many teeth do humans have?
  28. How many senses to human beings have?
  29. In the human body, what is the longest bone?
  30. The major artery in the side of the neck is called what?
  31. Where is ones uvula located in the body?
  32. What are the two bones in the forearm called?
  33. What disease does a tick bite spread?
  34. Serborrheic dermatitis is more commonly called what term?
  35. A phlebotomist specializes in what?
  36. What are the three parts of the backbone called?
  37. The study of the skin is called the study of what?
  38. What is the term in medicine given to the deficiency of blood
    sugar which may occur after too large a dose of insulin has been
  39. Double, tented, radial and Ulnar loops, arches and whorls are
    found on what parts of the human body?
  40. What does necrotizing fasciitis attack?
  41. The light sensitive membrane on the inner lining of the eyeball
    is called what?
  42. What is another name for the disease known as Varicella?
  43. What is the term used for a breast X-ray?
  44. What instrument is used to measure blood pressure?
  45. What human organs are affected by glaucoma?
  46. Which human bone is most often broken?
  47. What deficiency causes anemia?
  48. What is another more common term for acetylsalicylic acid?
  49. Which is the lowest of the seven vertebrae?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #168 - Human Body Answers

  1. Tendon.
  2. Scapula.
  3. Patella.
  4. Physiologic stability.
  5. Stomach.
  6. The human brain.
  7. Ureter.
  8. The Lung.
  9. Diaphragm.
  10. In the bone marrow.
  11. Middle finger.
  12. The male.
  13. Foot.
  14. Gall bladder.
  15. Eyes.
  16. Jaw bone.
  17. A red blood cell.
  18. 4 to 7 meters.
  19. Circadian rhythms.
  20. Hand or fingers.
  21. Your buttocks.
  22. Heart.
  23. Keratin.
  24. Achilles tendon.
  25. The shin bone.
  26. Liver.
  27. 32.
  28. 5.
  29. Femur.
  30. Carotid.
  31. At the back of the throat.
  32. Ulna and radius.
  33. Lyme disease.
  34. Dandruff.
  35. Drawing blood.
  36. Lumbar, Cervical, and thoracic.
  37. Dermatology.
  38. Hypoglycemia.
  39. Thumbs and fingers.
  40. Skin or flesh.
  41. Retina.
  42. Chickenpox.
  43. Mammogram.
  44. Sphygmomanometer.
  45. Eyes.
  46. Collar bone.
  47. Red blood cells.
  48. Aspirin.
  49. Coccyx.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #167 - Dog Trivia Questions and Answers - Dogs, Breeds, Canine, More

Dog trivia questions and answers including dog breeds, dog tricks, dog owners, actor dogs and more.
  1. 1994 was the Chinese year of the what?
  2. What type of creature was Nana in Peter Pan?
  3. What type of animal was Edison in Ian Fleming's novel Chitty
    Chitty Bang Bang?
  4. Who were the band members of Three Dog Night?
  5. What was prescribed for depressed dogs by the University of
    Pennsylvania animal-behavior clinic?
  6. What trick is the most commonly taught to dogs?
  7. Which musical group sang the song Joy To The World?
  8. In the 80s what dog breed was responsible for two-thirds of the
    dog bite deaths in the U.S.?
  9. What dog breed is distinctive due to a genetic condition called
    Achondroplasia which causes dwarfism in the legs?
  10. How many species of domestic dogs are there?
  11. A normal adult dog has how many teeth?
  12. What dog breed was named for its skill at flushing out woodcock
    for hunters?
  13. In North America in 1475 B.C., what was the only domesticated
  14. Sir Winston Churchill's favorite dog Rufus was what breed of dog?
  15. New York City's Board of Health ordered owners of what breed of
    dog to neuter them?
  16. What was the name of Walt Disney's family dog?
  17. Quentin Tarantino made his debut with what gory 1992 crime caper?
  18. When Pluto made his debut in 1930 in a Mickey Mouse film, what
    was his name?
  19. What was the dogs name that appeared with Charlie Chaplin in It's
    a Dog's Life?
  20. Mad Scientist Dr. Emmett Brown had two dogs in Back To The
    Future, what were their names?
  21. How many dog spots did Disney artists draw for the 1961 cartoon,
    One Hundred and One Dalmatians?
  22. Nick and Nora Charles gave their dog Asta a Christmas present in
    the 1934 comedy The Thin Man, what was it?
  23. Where did John Wayne's nickname "Duke" come from?
  24. What was the name of the first living creature, a dog, sent into
  25. The first of Jim Henson's Muppets to become a regular on national
    television was named what?
  26. Missy, the pet that Texas A & M's Missiplicity project was
    founded to clone was what kind of animal?
  27. What did rap star Snoop Dogg name is pet dog?
  28. What year was it that Elvis Presley had a hit with "Hound Dog"?
  29. The last top ten hit for Three Dog Night was what?
  30. On Cheers, mailman Cliff Claven hated two things about his job,
    what were they?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #167 - Dog Trivia Answers

  1. The Dog.
  2. Dog.
  3. A dog.
  4. Danny Hutton, Cory Wells, and Chuck Negron.
  5. Prozac.
  6. To sit.
  7. Three Dog Night.
  8. Pit bull.
  9. Dachshund.
  10. One.
  11. 42, 20 on the upper jaw, and 22 on the lower.
  12. Cocker Spaniel.
  13. The dog.
  14. Poodle.
  15. Pit bull.
  16. Lady.
  17. Reservoir Dogs.
  18. Rover.
  19. Scraps.
  20. Einstein and Copernicus.
  21. 6 million (6,469,952).
  22. A toy fire hydrant.
  23. His favorite childhood dog.
  24. Laika. On the Russian Sputnik 2.
  25. Rowlf the Dog.
  26. Dog.
  27. White Boy.
  28. 1956.
  29. The Show Must Go On.
  30. The day the sears catalog came out and a dog on his route.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #166 - Science Trivia Questions - Scientific, Scientist, Hard Science & More!

Fun free science trivia questions and answers - science, scientific, scientist.
  1. What was the first planet to be discovered using the telescope, in
  2. What V-word is defined as "the ability of a liquid to resist
  3. What unit of measure was originally designed to be one
    forty-millionth of the Earth's circumference?
  4. What's sometimes dubbed Biosphere I?
  5. What are "human incubation chambers" heated to before Gillette's
    odor judges test deodorants by smelling human armpits?
  6. What antidepressant is most often referred to by snide shrinks as Slo Mo"?
  7. What gardeners' aid is identified by numbers indicating its
    percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium?
  8. What facial features flank your glabella?
  9. What organ of the body leads all others with 3,195 distinct
  10. What Cool Whip ingredient outweighs all the others?
  11. What does a kit-flying linonophobic fear?
  12. What's the common name for the eye inflammation doctors call
  13. What country flew the first supersonic airliner in 1968 but saw
    it crash in 1973?
  14. What two-word term is defined as "the lowest possible
  15. What century did mathematicians first use plus and minus signs?
  16. What handy mathematical instrument's days were numbered when the
    pocket calculator made the scene in the 1970s?
  17. What boxcar-sized instrument was repaired by the crew of the
    shuttle Endeavor in 1993?
  18. What name for a bone disease translates as "porous bone"?
  19. What earthenware ceramic was produced in ancient China from
    feldspar and china clay?
  20. What's the U.S. military acronym for liquid oxygen?
  21. What's one-tenth of a bel?
  22. What type of vessel was powered by a hand-cranked propeller when
    first used in combat in 1776?
  23. What type of machine do the French call a telecopie?
  24. What unit of measure was once defined as the length of three
    grains of barley laid end to end?
  25. What are the two main constituents of bronze.
  26. What Greek was the first physician to record case histories of
  27. What four planets have a smaller diameter than Earth?
  28. What word was coined when a trapped moth caused an early computer
    to crash?
  29. What technological revolution was credited with the large
    increase in paper use in the 1980s and 1990s?
  30. What name for an automaton came from the Czech word meaning
    "forced labor"?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #166 - Scientific, Scientist , Science

  1. Uranus.
  2. Viscosity.
  3. The meter.
  4. Earth.
  5. 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
  6. Valium.
  7. Fertilizer.
  8. The eyebrows.
  9. The brain.
  10. Water.
  11. String.
  12. Pink eye.
  13. The Soviet Union.
  14. Absolute zero.
  15. The sixteenth.
  16. The slide rule's.
  17. The Hubble telescope.
  18. Osteoporosis.
  19. Porcelain.
  20. LOX.
  21. A decibel.
  22. A submarine.
  23. A fax machine.
  24. The inch.
  25. Copper and tin.
  26. Hippocrates.
  27. Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Venus.
  28. Bug.
  29. The computer revolution.
  30. Robot.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #165 - Trivia Questions About TV and Television Shows

Fun printable free TV trivia questions and answers - TV.
  1. What TV show lost Jim Carrey when he stepped into the movies?
  2. Who plays a paleontologist on Friends?
  3. What aging pop icon forgot the lyrics to We Can Work It Out
    on MTV Unplugged?
  4. What segment of the TV industry receives ACE Awards?
  5. What classic quiz show was originally titled Occupation Unknown?
  6. What 1966 TV show theme by Lalo Schifrin made a comeback in a
    1996 blockbuster move?
  7. What's CNBC short for?
  8. How many fingers does Homer Simpson have?
  9. What sitcom character moved from a Boston barstool to a Seattle
    radio station?
  10. What Saturday Night Live cast member played Kap'n Karl on Pee-wee's
  11. What M*A*S*H principal won Emmys for acting, writing and
  12. What cable network drew twice its usual audience for a show
    called The Wonderful World of Dung?
  13. What TV host went gold with the CD Romantic Christmas?
  14. What sitcom spawned the hit song I'll Be There For You?
  15. What MTV twosome are known as "The Bad Boys" in Mexico?
  16. What Indianapolis weatherman of the 1970s once forecast hail "the
    size of canned hams"?
  17. What kid's show's interracial cast needed riot police protection
    during a 1969 trip to Mississippi?
  18. What gritty 1990's TV drama series is subtitled Life on the
  19. What entertainer's wedding prompted NBC to order 10,000 tulips
    from Holland?
  20. What sitcom helped John Larroquette earn three straight
    supporting actor Emmy Awards?
  21. Who once observed: "This is America. You can't make a horse
    testify against himself"?
  22. What Marx Brother's name spelled backwards is the name of a
    daytime talk show host?
  23. Who began his radio shows with: "Good evening, Mr. ad Mrs.
    America and all the ships at sea, let's go to press"?
  24. What TV star said of his worldwide fame: "I didn't know I could
    top Knight Rider"?
  25. What sitcom was among the top 20 most watched shows every season
    during its entire run, form 1984 to 1992?
  26. Who inherited Tom Snyder's CNBC talk-show slot in 1995?
  27. What was the fist sitcom to be broadcast from videotape, in 1971?
  28. What blond bombshell had a hankerin' for NYPD Blue detective
    Gegory Medavoy?
  29. What animated characters are known as Smolf in Stockholm?
  30. What 1980s sitcom was credited with pulling NBC from third to
    first in overall ratings?
  31. What Muppet advised: "Never eat anything at one sitting that you
    can't lift"?
  32. What former TV anchorman made headlines by attending two Grateful
    Dead concerts?
  33. What animated kitty was the first cartoon character licensed for
    use on merchandise?
  34. What's the "dimension of imagination, "according to the host of a
    classic TV series?
  35. Who appeared in Return of the Killer Tomatoes before he landed a
    role on ER?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #165

  1. In Living Color.
  2. David Schwimmer.
  3. Paul McCartney.
  4. Cable.
  5. What's My Line?
  6. Mission: Impossible.
  7. Consumer News and Business Channel.
  8. Eight.
  9. Dr. Frasier Crane.
  10. Phil Hartman.
  11. Alan Alda.
  12. The Discovery Channel.
  13. John Tesh.
  14. Friends.
  15. Beavis and Butt head.
  16. David Letterman.
  17. Sesame Street's.
  18. Homicide.
  19. Tiny Tim's.
  20. Night Court.
  21. Mr. Ed.
  22. Harpo's.
  23. Walter Winchell.
  24. David Hasselhoff.
  25. The Cosby Show.
  26. Charles Grodin.
  27. All in the Family.
  28. Donna Abandando.
  29. The Smurfs.
  30. The Cosby Show.
  31. Miss Piggy.
  32. Walter Cronkite.
  33. Felix the Cat.
  34. The Twilight Zone.
  35. George Clooney.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #164 - Quiz Questions About TV and Television Shows

Fun TV trivia about television and TV shows.

  1. What Seinfeld character takes off his shirt during visits to the
  2. What sitcom features a deadpan pooch named Eddie, played by a dog
    named Moose?
  3. What was the only TV show of the 1970s to have its theme top
    Billboard's Hot 100?
  4. What did Walter Lantz create after a bird hammered nonstop on the
    roof of his honeymoon cottage?
  5. Who was still alive, but unable to keep his engagement at the
    London Palladium on his hundredth birthday?
  6. What man wore a dress while hosting a TV talk show on
    transvestites in 2988?
  7. What does Jay Leno fine-tune with Jimmy Brogan for six to seven
    hours daily?
  8. What gabber celebrated his 10th year on CNN in 1995?
  9. What Ryan's Hope star became the first woman to captain a Star
    Trek TV series?
  10. What was the first U.S. sitcom to be exported to Britain?
  11. What Latino sitcom character hated that his mother-in-law always
    called him "Mickey"?
  12. What variety host ended a show with: "Next week, the Beatles and
    the Pieta"?
  13. What does MTV call its interpretation of The Dating Game?
  14. Who's Murphy Brown's favorite soul singer?
  15. Whose bill from the Happy hour Bar arrived at the WJM-TV newsroom
    on the 15th of the month?
  16. What dreadlocked Muppet musician followed Kermit's lead as host
    of 1996's The Muppets Tonight?
  17. What TV cartoon character wrote on his school chalkboard. "I will
    not aim at the head" and "My name is not Dr. Death"?
  18. What's Fran's last name on The Nanny?
  19. What Melrose Place principal divorced a Motley Crue drummer and
    married a Bon Jovi guitarist?
  20. What animated character often uttered: "Get moose and squirrel"?
  21. What Saturday Night Live star said he learned how to fall playing
    soccer in college?
  22. What did Baywatch beauty Pamela Anderson wear to her Cancun
  23. What 1980s Steven Bochco show won 26 Emmy Awards?
  24. Who does Speedy Gonzales frustrate in the cartoon Moby Duck?
  25. Who was the first male correspondent on 60 minutes to wear an
    earring on the air?
  26. What 60 minutes correspondent was asked on The Howard Stern Show:
    "How could a man your age still have pimples"?
  27. What's the maximum number of answers on a single Jeopardy! show?
  28. What TV game show hit it big the third time around in 1984?
  29. What cat and mouse launched a cartooning career for William Hanna
    and Joseph Barbera?
  30. What sitcom centers around a team of Screaming Eagles?
  31. What reformed con artist shared a detective agency with Laura
  32. What are women contestants called on the game show Studs?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #164 - TV or Television Trivia Quiz Answers

  1. George Costanza.
  2. Frasier.
  3. Welcome Back, Kotter.
  4. Woody Woodpecker.
  5. George Burns.
  6. Phil Donahue.
  7. His monologue.
  8. Larry King.
  9. Kate Mulgrew.
  10. I Love Lucy.
  11. Ricky Ricardo.
  12. Ed Sullivan.
  13. Singled Out.
  14. Aretha Franklin.
  15. Lou Grant's.
  16. Clifford.
  17. Bart Simpson.
  18. Fine.
  19. Heather Locklear.
  20. Boris Badenov.
  21. Chevy Chase.
  22. A bikini.
  23. Hill Street Blues.
  24. Daffy Duck.
  25. Ed Bradley.
  26. Mike Wallace.
  27. Sixty-one.
  28. Jeopardy!
  29. Tom and Jerry.
  30. Coach.
  31. Remington Steele.
  32. Studettes.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #163 - TV and Television Series, Shows, Sit-coms, Talk Shows and More!

Fun Trivia questions and answers - TV and Television Shows
  1. What 250-pound star of Hairspray shed half her weight to host a
    TV talk show?
  2. What Mayberry resident once hijacked a bull when he'd had too
    much to drink?
  3. What four-word TV slogan did Sting add to the Dire Straits hit
    Money for Nothing?
  4. What Mary Tyler Moore Show character's blue blazer made it into
    the Smithsonian?
  5. Who was a cheerleader for the San Francisco 49ers before she
    became TV's Lois Lane?
  6. What was Redd Foxx's last name before show business beckoned?
  7. Who's been Saturday Night Live's most frequent host?
  8. What town did Howdy Doody live in?
  9. What sitcom star advised: "It's okay to be fat. So you're fat.
    Just be fat and shut up about it"?
  10. What Richard Chamberlain vehicle is second only to Roots in
    total viewers for a miniseries?
  11. What media award was derived from the slang term for the 1945
    "image orthicon tube"?
  12. What TV cop badgered unwitting suspects with the line, "Just one
    more thing..."?
  13. What late night talk show host asks viewers to "sit back and fire
    up the colortinis"?
  14. What happy homemaker chirps on TV: "It's a good thing"?
  15. Which two Saturday Night Live characters broadcast from an
    Aurora, Illinois basement?
  16. What's the "dimension of imagination," according to the host of a
    classic TV series?
  17. What TV star did 500,000 people show up to watch sing at the
    Berlin Wall?
  18. What quiz show champ of the 1950s received 500 marriage proposals
    and helped increase sales of Geritol by 40 percent?
  19. What sitcom's scripts were penned with the help of an Army
    handbook and map of Korea?
  20. Who died last--Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball, William Frawley or
    Vivian Vance?
  21. What future talk show host could have played the lead in The
    Graduate if he hadn't argued with producers over his salary?
  22. What two cartoon mice attempt every night to take over the world
    from their cages in Acme Labs?
  23. What long-lasting NBC show was originally titled The Rise and
    Shine Revue?
  24. Who was the first feline featured on Lifestyles of the Rich and
  25. What TV role was John Astin offered under the condition he grow a
  26. Who appeared in Return of the Killer Tomatoes before he landed a
    role on ER?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #163 - TV or Television Trivia Quiz Answers

  1. Ricki Lake.
  2. Otis Campbell.
  3. "I want my MTV".
  4. Ted Baxter's.
  5. Teri Hatcher.
  6. Sanford.
  7. Steve Martin.
  8. Doodyville.
  9. Roseanne.
  10. The Thorn Birds.
  11. The Emmy.
  12. Columbo.
  13. Tom Snyder.
  14. Martha Stewart.
  15. Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar.
  16. The Twilight Zone.
  17. David Hasselhoff.
  18. Charles Van Doren.
  19. M*A*S*H
  20.  Lucille Ball.
  21. Charles Grodin.
  22. Pinky and the Brain.
  23. Today.
  24. Morris the Cat.
  25. Gomez Addams.
  26. George Clooney.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #162 - Quiz Questions About Films, Movies, and Actors

  1. What movie has Anthony Perkins explain: "Understand, I don't hate
    her.  I hate what she's become. I hate her illness"?
  2. What Clint Eastwood screen role was originally offered to John
    Wayne, Frank Sinatra and Paul Newman?
  3. What ladies' man was the first person since Orson Welles to be up
    for four Oscars in a single year, in 1982?
  4. What was the first Arnold Schwarzenegger movie to win four
    Academy Awards?
  5. What movie earned Tom Hanks his third straight Oscar nomination,
    in 1996?
  6. What screen character is the world's fastest ice sculptor and
    topiary artist?
  7. What movie sees Tom Hanks utter: "All my life I've been waiting Fun Trivia questions and answers - films, actors, movies, actresses, producers, directors, Oscars and more

    for someone, and when I find her she's a fish"?
  8. What movie sees Elvis Presley sent to the slammer for
  9. What was the 1993 sequel to the 1979 thriller When a Stranger
  10. What 1994 movie hit featured cameos by JFK, LBJ and George
  11. Whose will left $10,000 for care and upkeep of the dummy Charlie
  12. What Michael Douglas movie was hyped: "A brutal murder. A
    brilliant killer.  A cop who couldn't resist the danger"?

  13. What Sylvester Stallone movie was hyped: "His whole life was a
    million-to-one shot"?
  14. What sci-fi thriller set attendance records during the Fourth of
    July weekend in 1996?
  15. Who played Sid Vicious, Lee Harvey Oswald, Count Dracula and
    Beethoven in movies?
  16. What nickname did Spencer Tracy give to Humphrey Bogart?
  17. Who's been praised for doing everything Fred Astaire did
    "backward and in high heel"?
  18. What 1982 movie had critic Janet Maslin carp: "The Oscar seemed
    to have been mistaken for the Nobel Peace Prize"?
  19. What movie classic has James Stewart sigh: "I suppose it'd been
    better if I'd never been born at all"?
  20. What movie made the word "babelicious" famous?
  21. What blond sex symbol of the 1990s claims to have an IQ of 154?
  22. What 1991 Disney animated feature was hyped as "the most
    beautiful love story ever told"?
  23. What Michelle Pfeiffer movie got a boost from the Coolio song
    Gangsta's Paradise?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #162

  1. Psycho.
  2. Dirty Harry.
  3. Warren Beatty.
  4. Terminator 2.
  5. Apollo 13.
  6. Edward Scissorhands.
  7. Splash.
  8. Jailhouse Rock.
  9. When a Stranger Calls Back.
  10. Forrest Gump.
  11. Edgar Bergen's.
  12. Basic Instinct.
  13. Rocky.
  14. Independence Day.
  15. Gary Oldman.
  16. Bogie.
  17. Ginger Rogers.
  18. Gandi.
  19. It's a Wonderful Life.
  20. Wayne's World.
  21. Sharon Stone.
  22. Beauty and the Beast.
  23. Dangerous Minds.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #161 - Free Fun Movie and Film Trivia Questions

Trivia questions About Movies, Films, and Actors
  1. What Michael Cimino box office bomb did one critic describe as
    "Gone With the Wind -- without the wind"?
  2. What movie's signature line was: "I'll be back"?
  3. Who got an Oscar for incessantly exclaiming "Hoo-ah"?
  4. What comic twosome split in 1956, ten years after teaming up in
    Atlantic City?
  5. What Jerry Lewis movie was a twisted take on the Jekyll and Hyde
  6. What's the first word uttered in Citizen Kane?
  7. Who has starred in movies by Francis Ford Coppola, Brian De
    Palma, Sergio Leone and Martin Scorsese?
  8. What brand of underwear does Marty McFly wear in Back to the
  9. What movie pairs Tom Hanks and Antonio Banderas as lovers?
  10. How many Grammy nominations were totaled by the classic LPs
    Tommy, Layla, What's Goin' On and Blonde on Blonde?
  11. What three-word line is indispensable to Cary Grant
  12. Who was the voice behind Woody, the cowboy doll in Toy Story?
  13. What screen character learned to say "la-dee-dah" growing up in
    Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin?
  14. What 1970 movie has Ali MacGraw emote: "I want you to be a merry
  15. What screen character did Peter Sellers begin playing after Peter
    Ustinov declined the job?
  16. What actress scored a record 12 Oscar nominations, winning first
    for the year 1933 and last for 1981?
  17. What George Lucas film, made for $750,000 is considered the most
    profitable movie in Hollywood history?
  18. What movie sees Mike Myers claim: "Led Zeppelin didn't write
    songs everyone liked.  They left that to the Bee Gees"?
  19. What movie has Jack Nicholson yell at Tom Cruise: "You can't
    handle the truth"?
  20. What director earned a bronze Star and a purple Heart during his
    tour of duty in Vietnam?
  21. What twosome starred in Raging Bull, Goodfellas and Casino?
  22. What jungle hero said: "I want you. I am yours. You are mine"?
  23. Who was the first to take home a Best Actor Oscar for a musical,
    in 1943?
  24. Who wrote the line: "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse"?
  25. What Spike Lee movie was marketed with baseball caps bearing just
    one letter?
  26. Who did Burt Reynolds develop a hankerin' for on the set of
    Smokey and the Bandit?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #161

  1. Heaven's Gate.
  2. The Terminator's.
  3. Al Pacino.
  4. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.
  5. The Nutty Professor.
  6. Rosebud.
  7. Robert De Niro.
  8. Calvin Klein.
  9. Philadelphia.
  10. Zero.
  11. "Judy, Judy, Judy".
  12. Tom Hanks.
  13. Annie Hall.
  14. Love Story.
  15. Inspector Clouseau.
  16. Katharine Hepburn.
  17. American Graffiti.
  18. Wayne's World.
  19. A Few Good Men.
  20. A Oliver Stone.
  21. Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci.
  22. Tarzan.
  23. James  Cagney.
  24. Mario Puzo.
  25. Malcom X.
  26. Sally Field.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #160 - Fun Movie and Film Trivia including Actors and Cinema

Trivia questions and answers about movies and films

  1. What 1975 blockbuster sees Roy Scheider utter: "We need a bigger
  2. What screen character has played opposite Maud Adams, Claudine
    Anger, Kim Basinger, Britt Eklund and Ursula Andress?
  3. What Adam Sandler comedy featured Bob Barker's screen debut?
  4. Whose earnings increased from $150,000 for Pulp Fiction to $3.5
    million for Get Shorty to $7 million for Broken Arrow?
  5. What statuesque actress earned a living by standing still in
    department store windows prior to her film debut in Tootsie?
  6. What movie's first victim was played by a skinny-dipping actress
    named Susan Backlinie?
  7. Who was the first female to direct a movie that raked in over
    $100 million?
  8. What movie has Bob Hoskins seething: "A toon killed my brother"?
  9. What movie gave Julie Andrews the chance to portray a man?
  10. What 1996 movie was hyped with the line: "It Will Blow Audiences
    Right Out of the Theater"?
  11. What movie did Mel Brooks say he wishes he'd never made, as he
    then became overly concerned with filling theater seats?
  12. What Pulp Fiction star once served as Bill Cosby's stand-in on
    The Cosby Show?
  13. What one city must a movie play in to be eligible for an Oscar?
  14. What model appeared topless on the self-penned 1993 novel Pirate?
  15. What movie has Anjelica Huston coo to Raul Juli"You frightened
    me. Do it again"?
  16. Who shared a room and bed with Eli Wallach while filming The
    Good, the Bad and the Ugly?
  17. What two-word term does The Cynic's Dictionary call: "A movie
    seen about 50 times by about that many people"?
  18. What 1995 blockbuster movie was created by the computer animation
    company Pixar?
  19. What did the shortstop become in Abbott and Costello's "Who's On
    First" routine when censors objected to "I don't give a damn"?
  20. What movie theme was Barbra Streisand's first chart-topping
  21. What actor sighed: "If I had known Michael was going to be so
    successful, I would have been much nicer to him when he was young"?
  22. What title role in a 1995 Oscar-winning movie was played by more
    than 40 cast members?
  23. What Caddyshack star spent two years as an assistant greens
  24. What Oscar-winning actress made her final appearance in the
    movie Nobody's Fool?
  25. Who had a thick-gummed best friend named Bubba Blue?
  26. How many hubcaps does Steve McQueen's car lose in the famed chase
    scene from Bullitt?
  27. What director cast himself as the voice of God in 1956's The Ten
  28. What Beatles movie was untitled until John remembered a line
    Ringo uttered after an all night recording sessions?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #160 - Movies

  1. Jaws.
  2. James Bond.
  3. Happy Gilmore.
  4. John Travolta's.
  5. Geena Davis.
  6. Jaws.
  7. Penny Marshall.
  8. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
  9. Victor/Victoria.
  10. Twister.
  11. Blazing Saddles.
  12. Samuel L. Jackson.
  13. Los Angeles.
  14. Fabio.
  15. The Addams Family.
  16. Clint Eastwood.
  17. Cult film.
  18. Toy Story:
  19. "I don't care".
  20. They Way We Were.
  21. Kirk Douglas.
  22. Babe.
  23. Bill Murray.
  24. Jessica Tandy.
  25. Forrest Gump.
  26. Six.
  27. Cecil B. De Mille.
  28. A Hard Day's Night.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #159 - Interesting Fun Trivia Questions about Places

Trivia questions and answers involving places, locations, areas, cities, countries etc.
  1. What's the southernmost nation on the Balkan Peninsula?
  2. What city has been the center of the U.S. oil industry since
  3. What country is only bordered by Spain?
  4. What Frenchman designed the national flag of Italy?
  5. What valley separates East Africa from the remainder of the
  6. What Milanese opera house has a name meaning "The Stairs" in
  7. What continent is cut into two fairly equal halves by the Tropic
    of Capricorn?
  8. What nation has the longest school year?
  9. What storied Sudanese city's name means "elephant's trunk"?
  10. What title would you hold in Germany if townsfolk addressed you
    as Burgermeister?
  11. What Scandinavian country are you in if you're vacationing in
  12. What's squid cooked in if you order calamare en su tinta at a
    Spanish restaurant?
  13. What U.S. state pays its governor the most money?
  14. What state grew to become the second most populous in the U.S. ,
    by 1994?
  15. What tourist state leads the U.S. in booze consumption per
  16. What city do Saudis cal Makkah?
  17. What continent has the most countries represented in the U.N.?
  18. What do residents of Bunyol, Spain, throw at each other during
    the LA Tomatina Festival?
  19. What Spanish islands are Gomera, Hierro and Lanzarote a part of?
  20. What nation has 1,000 permanent inhabitants and produces no
    export goods?

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #159

  1. Greece.
  2. Houston.
  3. Portugal.
  4. Napoleon.
  5. The Great Rift Valley.
  6. La Scala.
  7. Australia.
  8. Japan.
  9. Khartoum's.
  10. Mayor.
  11. Norway.
  12. Its ink.
  13. New York.
  14. Texas.
  15. Nevada.
  16. Mecca.
  17. Africa.
  18. Tomatoes.
  19. The Canary Islands.
  20. Vatican City.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #158 - Trivia About Famous and Interesting Places, Countries, Cities and More!

Places trivia quiz questions and answers about famous and interesting places, cities, historical sites, streets, states and more.

  1. What winter celebration calls for lighting red, green and black
    candles in the Kinara?
  2. What's Latvia's largest minority ethnic group?
  3. What country sends the highest percentage of 15- and 16-year-olds
    to the altar?
  4. How many expressways did China's drivers have to choose from, in
  5. What southern city is famous for its "Beale Street Blues"?
  6. What's the only U.S. state that serves all of its residents with
    water systems that have violated the Safe Drinking Water Act?
  7. What British Commonwealth nation has the most people driving on
    the right side of the road?
  8. What two African rivers did Henry Stanley prove were not
  9. What infamous Beijing square has a name that ironically means
    "Gate of Heavenly Peace"?
  10. How are you traveling in Africa if you've rented a rakumi?
  11. Which of the Great Lkes does not lap Canadian shores?
  12. What's the third-largest continent in square miles?
  13. What European country uses its Latin name, Helvetia, on its
  14. What East African country's annual four percent population growth
    rate is the world's highest?
  15. What town name did Missouri's postmaster come up with when
    residents asked for something "sort of peculiar"?
  16. What South American country elected as its president Alberto ?Fujimori,
    the son of Japanese immigrants, in 1990?
  17. What U.S. state had the first 7-Eleven stores?
  18. What sea laps the shores of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan?
  19. What Central American country has its capital in Tegucigalpa?
  20. What country calls its expressways autostrada?
  21. What Great Plains state are you stuck in if you're out of gas in
  22. What African country is serviced by Jan Smuts International
  23. What Arizona city was so named because it rose from the ruins of
    a Native American town?
  24. How may years did Britain lease Hong Kong for?
  25. What country boasts the towns of Barnstaple, Fishguard and
  26. What U.S. state grabs the most money from domestic tourists,
    double that of Hawaii?
  27. What eastern European country's name is a Slavonic word meaning
    "plain dwellers"?
  28. What fish is called "finnan haddie" when smoked in Scotland?
  29. What Southeast Asian city did the U.S. open an embassy in, in
  30. What mountains are home to the entertainment world's Borscht

Answers to Trivia Quiz   #158

  1. Kwanza.
  2. Russians.
  3. The U.S.
  4. Zero.
  5. Memphis.
  6. New Jersey.
  7. Canada.
  8. The Congo and the Nile.
  9. Tiananmen Square.
  10. By camel.
  11. Lake Michigan.
  12. North America.
  13. Switzerland.
  14. Kenya's.
  15. Peculiar.
  16. Peru.
  17. Texas.
  18. The Aral Sea.
  19. Honduras.
  20. Italy.
  21. Kansas.
  22. South Africa.
  23. Phoenix.
  24. Ninety-nine.
  25. Britain.
  26. Nevada.
  27. Poland's.
  28. Haddock.
  29. Hanoi.
  30. The Catskills.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #157- Fascinating Locations, Places, and Things - Eiffel Tower, Euphrates, Porkopolis, Mecca, Golden Gate Bridge, Reindeer, Reykjavik, and More!

Places, countries, rivers, states, and more - trivia questions and answers.
  1. Which northwestern state borders only two other states?
  2. What European city decided new names were in order for Foul Lane,
    Stinking Lane and Bladder Street?
  3. What African republic's name was inspired by its thriving
    elephant tusk trade?
  4. What country is second to South Africa in gold production?
  5. What southern U.S. state has no telephones in 12 percent of its
  6. What river provided water to nurture the Hanging Gardens of
  7. What European country boasts the cities of Kalamata, Katerinin
    and Kilkis?
  8. What meat will you eat after you point to reinsdyrkaker on an
    Oslo menu?
  9. Where in Massachusetts is the only island, county and town in the
    U.S. that share the same name?
  10. What favorite hangout of divers extends for 1,250 miles off
    Australia's northeast coast?
  11. What river system drains water from 31 U.S. states and two
    Canadian provinces?
  12. What Asian people traditionally believe there to be a toad on the
    moon, instead of a man?
  13. What 200-block section of Miami is considered the best place to
    dance the merengue or dine on roast goat?
  14. What English-speaking Caribbean island has a Spanish name meaning
  15. What Peruvian city was the capital of the Spanish empire in the
    New World until the 19th century?
  16. What country supplies three-quarters of the world's maple syrup?
  17. What Asian surname is shared by 104 million people?
  18. What nation in the Western Hemisphere is the world's largest
    exporter of forest products?
  19. What Arab city has a name derived from a word meaning
  20. What San Francisco fixture is a favorite jumping-off point for an
    average of 14 people a year?
  21. What's the acronym for the South Western Townships near
  22. What state can you get tourist information on by dialing
  23. What country's holidays include Discovery Day, Natal Day and Fete
  24. What European city is served by Keflavik Airport?
  25. What bridge did New York City's first subway system travel from
    145th street to?
  26. What's the southernmost state capital among the 48 contiguous
  27. What Ohio city's thriving hog industry earned it the nickname "Porkopolis"
    in the 1830s?
  28. What Paris landmark did con man Victor Lustig sell to  a
    metal dealer for $50,000?
  29. What country provides Cuba with most of its new cars and
    computers in exchange for sugar?
  30. What country boasts Great Glen, Glen Eagles and Glenfiddich?
  31. What two Hungarian towns on either side of the Danube merged in

Answers to Trivia Quiz #156 - Historical Sites and Famous Places

  1. Washington.
  2. London.
  3. Ivory Coast's.
  4. The U.S.
  5. Mississippi.
  6. The Euphrates.
  7. Greece.
  8. Reindeer.
  9. Nantucket.
  10. The Great Barrier Reef.
  11. The Mississippi River.
  12. The Chinese.
  13. Little Haiti.
  14. Barbados.
  15. Lima.
  16. Canada.
  17. Chang.
  18. Canada.
  19. Mecca.
  20. The Golden Gate Bridge.
  21. Soweto.
  22. Ohio.
  23. Canada's.
  24. Reykjavik.
  25. The Brooklyn Bridge.
  26. Austin.
  27. Cincinnati's.
  28. The Eiffel Tower.
  29. Japan.
  30. Scotland.
  31. Buda and Pest.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #156 - Fun Famous Interesting Places Trivia Questions and Answers

Interesting, fun, famous places and locations trivia questions and answers.
  1. What central African state boasts a big "R" in the middle of its
  2. What's the most popular honeymoon destination outside the
    contiguous 48 states for U.S. couples, according to Modern Bride?
  3. What Kentucky tourist attraction's entrance was allegedly
    discovered by a hunter while tracking a wounded bear?
  4. What three European countries formed an economic union called
    Benelux in 1958?
  5. What's the only U.S. state never to have banned prostitution?
  6. What do Texas beef partisans call "wool on a stick"?
  7. What mountain range's name is Sanskrit for "abode of snow"?
  8. What country boasts the world's oldest active brewery, dating
    back to 1040 A.D,.?
  9. What's the main mode of transport for the nomads who make up half
    of Somalia's population?
  10. What Western Hemisphere people spoke Nahuatl?
  11. What U.S. state was once called West New Jersy?
  12. What city is home to the busiest stock exchange?
  13. What Central American country is bordered by Honduras and Costa
  14. What Minnesota town boasts an annual celebration called Wrong
  15. What two nations are alluded to in the first line of the Marine
  16. What's the only U.S. state to border Maine?
  17. What peppery spice shares its name with the capital of French
  18. What two countries border the highest mountain in the Western
  19. What country in Eastern Europe has a name that means "people from
  20. What South American country comes last alphabetically?
  21. What U.K. principality has its capital in Cardiff?
  22. What two countries are separated by the Tortilla Curtain?
  23. What Great Lake state has more shoreline than the entire U.S.
    Atlantic seaboard?
  24. What mountains do the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus rivers begin
  25. What nation will need an estimated 4,300 years to remove the 10
    million land mines left there by the Soviet Army?
  26. What U.S. state has the most unemployed dancers?
  27. What was dedicated in 1982 when veteran Ian Scruggs said: "Thank
    you America...for finally remembering us"?
  28. What nation boasts northern towns called Resolute, Eureka and
  29. What river do Mexicans call Rio Bravo?
  30. What was the city of Edo renamed in 1869?
  31. What European museum opened a controversial metal-and-glass
    pyramid entrance in 1989?
  32. What major city is close to the middle of the Iberian Peninsula?
  33. What country is bordered on the west by Germany and on the est by
    Ukraine and Belarus?

Answers to Trivia Quiz #156 - Historical Sites and Famous Places

  1. Rwanda.
  2. Hawaii.
  3. Mammoth Cave's.
  4. Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands.
  5. Nevada.
  6. Lamb.
  7. The Himalayas'.
  8. Germany.
  9. Camel.
  10. The Aztecs.
  11. Pennsylvania.
  12. Tokyo.
  13. Nicaragua.
  14. Wright.
  15. Mexico, Libya.
  16. New Hampshire.
  17. Cayenne.
  18. Argentina and Chile.
  19. Romania.
  20. Venezuela.
  21. Wales.
  22. Mexico and the U.S.
  23. Michigan.
  24. The Himalayas.
  25. Afghanistan.
  26. Nevada.
  27. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
  28. Canada.
  29. The Rio Grande.
  30. Tokyo.
  31. The Louvre.
  32. Madrid.
  33. Poland.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #155 - Historical Sites and Famous Places

Trivia quiz questions and answers about historical sites and famous places.
  1. What two cities are connected by the busiest international airline
  2. What Spanish port city was founded by Carthaginian general
    Hamilcar Barca?
  3. What Bengal nation lost 300,000 people to a cyclone and a tidal
    wave in 1970?
  4. What desert has an area larger than the continental U.S.?
  5. What river was designated the U.S.-Mexican border in the Treaty
    of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
  6. What city's garbage collectors are honored by a street called
    Avenue of the Strongest?
  7. What wonder of the ancient world did Babylonians refer to as the
    "House of the Foundations of Heaven and Earth"?
  8. What country was Berlin part of when it passed one million in
  9. What's Rome's Piazza San Pietro known as in English?
  10. What West African nation's name means "lion mountain"?
  11. What U.S. state would you be in if you made the short trip from
    Citronelle to Tangerine?
  12. What state is home to a huge hunk of granite called The Dan
    Blocker Memorial Head?
  13. What's the world's second largest archipelago, after Indonesia?
  14. What's Canada's largest inland sea?
  15. What nation has had a monarchy the longest?
  16. What Great Lake state are you stuck in if your car has broken
    down in Hell?
  17. What Italian city is considered "the fashion capital of the
  18. What British town got its name from its proximity to the Cam
  19. What western state answers Pamplona's Running of the Bulls with
    its own annual Running of the Sheep?
  20. What's the southernmost country in Central America?
  21. What ocean are the Maldives in?
  22. What two countries lay claim to the name Maclean?
  23. What body of water is approximately nine times saltier than ocean
  24. What U.S. state's official fish is the humuhumunukunukuapuaa?
  25. What island country is visited by the most cruise ships?
  26. What capital has a name meaning "city of Islam"?
  27. What two U.S. states are readily accessible from a border town
    called Moark?
  28. What did Puritans dub "Rogues Island"?
  29. What Alpine country's women got the right to vote in 1971?
  30. What U.S. state legislated the pronunciation of its name in 1881,
    to accent the first and third syllables and quiet the final "s"?
  31. What U.S. state do Knickerbockers knock around in?
  32. Which is further south -  the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn
    or Cape Catastrophe?
  33. What 120,000-square-mile African desert is almost completely
    covered by woods and grass?
  34. What country managed to reduce its vodka consumption from 2.6
    billion liters in 1984 to just 1.6 billion in 1990?
  35. What city did Sigmund Freud call home?
  36. What bay do Royal Bengal tigers most often swim in?
  37. What Asian nation was not invaded by enemy forces between 1275
    and 1944?
Answers to Trivia Quiz   # 155 Historical Sites and Famous Places
  1. London and Paris.
  2. Barcelona.
  3. Bangladesh.
  4. The Sahara.
  5. The Rio Grande.
  6. New York City's.
  7. The Tower of Babel.
  8. Prussia.
  9. St. Peter's Square.
  10. Sierra Leone's.
  11. Florida.
  12. Texas.
  13. The Philippines.
  14. Hudson Bay.
  15. Japan.
  16. Michigan.
  17. Milan.
  18. Cambridge.
  19. Montana.
  20. Panama.
  21. The Indian Ocean.
  22. Scotland and Ireland.
  23. The Dead Sea.
  24. Hawaii's
  25. The Bahamas.
  26. Islamabad.
  27. Missouri and Arkansas.
  28. Rhode Island.
  29. Switzerland's.
  30. Arkansas.
  31. New York.
  32. Cape Horn.
  33. The Kalahari.
  34. The Soviet Union.
  35. Vienna.
  36. The Bay of Bengal.
  37. Japan.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #154 - Places Trivia - Canada, Britain, Chile, Berlin, Amarillo, Haiti and More

Trivia questions and answers - Places, Locations, Cities, States, Countries and more.
  1. What Canadian province got its name from the Iroquois word guilibek,
    meaning "place where waters narrow"?
  2. Which U.S. president used some of his winnings from poker games to help launch his campaign for a seat in the U.S.
    House of Representatives?
  3. What country's farthest southern and northern points are Land's End
    and John O' Groats, respectively?
  4. What New York City landmark is the largest movie theater in the
  5. What's the world's longest road, running from Texas to Valparaiso,
  6. What $7.2 million purchase did one senator call "an awful lot of ice
    for an awful lot of dollars," in 1867?
  7. What European capital's Potsdamer Platz was busy enough to warrant
    the world's first traffic light?
  8. What was the most populous state in the U.S. for the last time in
  9. What Nepalese city name means "wooden temples"?
  10. What Egyptian city was built up during the Middle Ages from
    limestone stripped off the exterior of the Great Pyramid?
  11. What Yukon mining district was the site of the 1890s gold rush?
  12. What Texas city along Route 66 got its name from the Spanish word
    for yellow?
  13. What two republics make up the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia?
  14. What Scandinavian country last fought in a war in 1814?
  15. What U.S. state's public golf courses have the highest average green
  16. What former Soviet republic joined Russia as one of the world's ten
    largest countries?
  17. What Arab country's national dish is a soup called fool?
  18. What continent are you on if you're lost in the eastern tip of
  19. What continent has the fewest flowering plants?
  20. What country lies on the western side of the Iberian Peninsula?
  21. What volatile nation was the first Caribbean country to gain
  22. What barnyard animal utterance is known in France as groin groin?
  23. What southern state capital got its name for being the terminus of
    the Western & Atlantic Railroad?
  24. What desert's name was inspired by the array of colors that erosion
    has exposed there?
  25. What Berlin landmark had lost over 60 tons in shipments to the U.S.
    by 1990?
  26. What was the biggest city in America until 1755?
  27. What U.S. city had three of the world's five tallest man-made
    structures in 1994?
  28. What cave mammals inspired some folks to dub Nebraska the
    "Bug-eating State"?
  29. What Asian country has the world's lowest amount of urban green
    space per person?
  30. What country went metric to join the European Community, but kept
    the pint for use in pubs and for milk?

Answers to Fun Daily Trivia Quiz   # 154  Places trivia answers.

  1. Quebec.
  2. Richard Nixon
  3. Britain's.
  4. Radio City Music Hall.
  5. The Pan-American Highway.
  6. Alaska.
  7. Berlin's.
  8. Virginia.
  9. Katmandu.
  10. Cairo.
  11. The Klondike.
  12. Amarillo.
  13. Montenegro and Serbia.
  14. Sweden.
  15. Hawaii's.
  16. Kazakhstan.
  17. Egypt's.
  18. Asia.
  19. Antarctica.
  20. Portugal.
  21. Haiti.
  22. Oink-Oink.
  23. Atlanta.
  24. The Painted Desert's.
  25. The Berlin Wall.
  26. Boston.
  27. Chicago.
  28. Bats.
  29. Japan.
  30. Britain.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Daily Trivia Quiz #153 - Interesting World Famous Places, Locations, and Objects

Interesting Places and Locations Around the World
  1. What foreign company's Tennessee factory is the largest single auto
    plant in the U.S.?

  2. What Florida city's name translates to "mouth of the rat" because of
    it's toothy inlet?

  3. What Italian city had the Roman name Mediolanum?

  4. What New England state would be home if you laid down roots in Bald

  5. What 4,588-mile dune-laden expanse did Choi Jong-yul say he walked
    across "because it was there"?
  6. What country is bordered by Algeria, Niger, Chad, Egypt, Sudan and

  7. What Asian country boasts the largest Muslim population in the

  8. What academy is sometimes dubbed "Canoe U.?

  9. What U.S. state has an official commonwealth folk song written by
    resident Arlo Guthrie?

  10. What island was Abel Tasman the first European to land on, in 1642?

  11. What African country's name is from the Latin for "free"?

  12. What republic is sandwiched between Lithuania and Estonia?

  13. What's the only U.S. state to share a border with one of Canada's
    Maritime Provinces?

  14. What Central American nation flies a flag with one blue and one red

  15. What 1994 U.S. event was tagged pas le Big One by French

  16. What Australian geological wonder has an aboriginal name that means
    "great pebble"?

  17. Which of the seven wonders of the ancient world was demolished by an
    earthquake in 224 B.C.?

  18. What country is home to 21 percent of the world's people?

  19. What are painted bright yellow and left out for public use on the
    streets of Portland, Oregon?

  20. What southern city did Andrew Jackson name for one on the Nile

  21. What city, founded in 1550 by Sweden's King Gustav Vasa, was first
    called Helsingfors?

  22. What country's auto identification letters are KWT?

  23. What strife-torn African nation boasts a world high of 8.3 births
    per female?

  24. What Asian county's women's magazine Non Non is its bestseller?

  25. What's the world's largest desert, as determined by the least

  26. What's a German sign reading "Rauchen verboten" telling you not to

  27. What U.S. state boasts a difference of 20,320 feet between its
    highest and lowest points?

  28. What Boston green space, founded in 1634, is the oldest park in the

  29. What New Orleans soup has a name derived from the Bantu word for

  30. What country is bordered by Austria, France, Slovenia and

  31. What city was the site of the last Moorish Kingdom in Spain?

  32. What interstate highway connects Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, to San

  33. What Pacific atoll got its name from its location between the
    Americas and Asia?

  34. What Tuscan city do Italians know as Firenze?

Answers to Fun Daily Trivia Quiz   # 153  Places trivia answers.

  1. Nissan's.
  2. Boca Raton's.
  3. Milan.
  4. Maine.
  5. The Sahara Desert.
  6. Libya.
  7. Indonesia.
  8. The U.S. Naval Academy.
  9. Massachusetts.
  10. Tasmania.
  11. Liberia's.
  12. Latvia.
  13. Maine.
  14. Panama.
  15. The Los Angeles earthquake.
  16. Ayers Rock.
  17. The Colossus of Rhodes.
  18. China.
  19. Bicycles.
  20. Memphis.
  21. Helsinki.
  22. Kuwait's.
  23. Rwanda.
  24. Japan's.
  25. The Antarctic.
  26. Smoke.
  27. Alaska.
  28. The Boston Common.
  29. Gumbo.
  30. Italy.
  31. Granada.
  32. I-80.
  33. The Midway Islands.
  34. Florence.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Almost Daily Trivia Quiz #152 - Famous Locations and Places

Places and Locations trivia questions and answers.

  1. What Memphis mansion was opened to the public in 1982?
  2. What U.S. state gave the world Louis Armstrong, Fats Domino,
    Mahalia Jackson and Jelly Roll Morton?
  3. What country is central to the books Out of Africa and The Green
    Hills of Africa?
  4. What country boasts the world's highest paid national
  5. What southwestern U.S. state adopted the bola tie as its official
    state neckwear?
  6. What $325 million chateau was finished for Louis XIV of France in
  7. What southeastern state boasts the cities of Frog Jump, Only, and
    Sweet Lips?
  8. What Mississippi town name provides the answer to the Arizona
    town of Why?
  9. What European country sells an amazing 550 million one-pound cans
    of Heinz Baked Beans, or ten per citizen, each year?
  10. What eastern town is home for a service academy and the U.S.
    Silver Depository?
  11. What ancient African country did the Greeks name for the "sun burnt
    faces" of its natives.
  12. What's the only remaining European territory on the South
    American continent?
  13. What nation of over 7,000 islands has two-thirds of its
    population living on Luzon and Mindanao?
  14. What country receives 26 percent of all Saudi Exports?
  15. What Massachusetts spot is hyped as " America's Hometown"?
  16. What biblical place name means "pleasure"?
  17. What preceded Tokyo as the capital of Japan?
  18. What nation boasts the cities of Go Cong, Play Cu, Dong Ha and Ha
  19. What two U.S. cities have the same name, are the largest cities
    in their states, but are not state capitals?
  20. What U.S. state was named after chaste Queen Elizabeth I?
  21. What Southwestern state are you standing in if you ring a
    doorbell in Ding Dong?
  22. What continent is Greenland a part of?
  23. What southern U.S. state boasts the town of Satellite Beach?
  24. What country was created in 1920 from the remains of the Hapsburg
  25. What do Southerners call ground hominy with the germ removed?
  26. What Arab nation has the highest percentage of Christians?
  27. What U.S. state gets raked by the most tornadoes annually?
  28. What city does the Bible call the City of David.
  29. What two U.S. states went to court in 1996 over ownership of
    historic Ellis Island?
  30. What ice cream factory is the number one tourist attraction in
  31. What Nebraska city outlawed burping in churches?
  32. Which city is farthest west - San Diego, Reno, or Los Angeles.
  33. What island calls itself the Republic of China?
  34. What's the only state whose official state song was composed for
    a Broadway musical?
  35. What outfit is known as the Red Crescent in Muslim nations?

Answers to Fun Daily Trivia Quiz   # 152  Places trivia answers.

  1. Graceland.
  2. Louisiana.
  3. Kenya.
  4. The U.S..
  5. Arizona.
  6. Versailles.
  7. Tennessee.
  8. Why Not.
  9. Britain.
  10. West Point.
  11. Ethiopia.
  12. French Guiana.
  13. The Philippines.
  14. The U.S..
  15. Plymouth.
  16. Eden.
  17. Kyoto.
  18. Vietnam.
  19. Portland, Oregon, and Portland , Maine.
  20. Virginia.
  21. Texas.
  22. North America.
  23. Florida.
  24. Austria.
  25. Grits.
  26. Lebanon.
  27. Texas.
  28. Jerusalem.
  29. New York and New Jersey.
  30. Ben & Jerry's.
  31. Omaha.
  32. Reno.
  33. Taiwan.
  34. Oklahoma.
  35. The Red Cross.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Almost Daily Trivia Quiz #151 - Questions about Locations and Places

Places and Locations trivia questions and answers.
  1. What Nation's treasures include the Sistine Chapel?
  2. Which extends further North- Japan, North Korea or turkey?
  3. What country can an Afghani escape to on the Khyber Pass?
  4. What two countries sandwich the dead sea?
  5. What U.S. state is said to have as many cows as people?
  6. What continent boasts the most telephone lines?
  7. What future Soviet republic produced one-half of the world's oil
    in 1901?
  8. What African country is bordered by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe
    and Mozambique?
  9. What's the only Central American country without a coastline on
    the Caribbean?
  10. What North American mountain range is an apt anagram for "o,
    man--ski country"?
  11. What city is headquarters for Zero Population Growth and the
    Impotence Institution of America?
  12. What city boasts a Board of Trade that buy and sells half the
    world's wheat and corn?
  13. What island boasts Mount Fuji?
  14. What European country's most common last name is De Vries?
  15. What desert do Botswana, Namibia and South Africa have in common?
  16. What U.S. state has the highest percentage of residents born in
    other countries?
  17. How  many U.S. states are named after a president>?
  18. What's the world's highest island mountain?
  19. What was the only country still building steam locomotives in
  20. Which two European countries lead the world n wine consumption pr
  21. What was the world's highest man-made structure for 4,000 years
    before being passed by the central tower of Lincoln Cathedral?
  22. What western state is less than thrilled to be known as the
    "Vermin State"?
  23. What's the only South American country that has both a Pacific
    and a Caribbean coast?
  24. What interstate highway connects Boston and Seattle?
  25. What state boasts all or part of the ten largest American Indian
  26. What Canadian city's name means "muddy water"?
  27. What desert did David Livingstone have to cross to reach Lake
  28. What country sent out 15,000 census workers to count its homeless
    population, in 1990?
  29. What do Americans call the Huang Ho, China's second-longest
  30. What Russian republic has its capital in Grozny?
  31. What state made the U.S. the fourth largest country in land mass
    in 1959?
  32. What state does the Yellowstone River rise in?
  33. What island has endured Mount Etna's wrath over 140 times?
  34. How many months per year do residents of Tromso, Norway go
    without seeing a sunset?


Answers to Fun Daily Trivia Quiz   # 151 Places and Locations trivia questions and answers.

  1. Vatican City's.
  2. Japan.
  3. Pakistan.
  4. Israel and Jordan.
  5. Wisconsin.
  6. Europe.
  7. Azerbaijan.
  8. South Africa.
  9. El Salvador.
  10. Rocky Mountains.
  11. Washington, DC.
  12. Chicago.
  13. Honshu.
  14. The Netherlands'.
  15. The Kalahari.
  16. California.
  17. One.
  18. Mauna Kea.
  19. China.
  20. France and Italy.
  21. The Great Pyramid of Cheops.
  22. New Mexico.
  23. Colombia.
  24. I-90.
  25. Arizona.
  26. Winnipeg's.
  27. The Kalahari.
  28. The U.S.
  29. The Yellow River.
  30. Chechnya.
  31. Alaska.
  32. Wyoming.
  33. Sicily.
  34. Three.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Almost Daily Music Trivia Quiz #150 - Music, Groups, Singers, Songs, and More!

Music related trivia quiz questions and answers
  1. How many of Frank Sinatra's collaborators on Duets and Duets II
    joined him in the studio?
  2. What three words preceded "land that I love" in a 1938 Irving
    Berlin tune?
  3. What Georgia rockers resurrected Dan Rather's mysterious 1986
    mugging in their 1994 track, What's the Frequency, Kenneth?
  4. What's the only group to claim two of the top ten best-selling
    singles of the 1970s?
  5. What group's early BBC performances went quadruple platinum
    within two months of their U.S. release in late 1994?
  6. What Stephen Foster tune encourages racing enthusiasts to "bet on
    de bay"?
  7. What singer sent the punk band Rancid a naked photo along with a
    plea to sign with her record label?
  8. Who was the first solo female host of the Academy Awards
  9. How many former Beatles had chart-topping singles from 1973 to
  10. What rock star did Lou Diamond Phillips' wife leave him for?
  11. What jazz musician got his aristocratic nickname in high school
    for his neat attire and fastidious manners?
  12. What jazz trumpeter was dubbed the "Prince of Darkness"?
  13. What sitcom spawned the hit song I'll Be There for You?
  14. What MTV twosome are known as "The Bad Boys" in Mexico?
  15. What did rapper Mohandas Dewese coolly change his name to?
  16. How many songs from the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club
    Band were released as singles?
  17. What folk-rocker said he'd like Billy Dee Williams or Mickey
    Rooney to play him if his life story is filmed?
  18. What was the only language beat writer Jack Kerouac spoke until
    the age of six?
  19. What Italian wrote 32 operas between the ages of 18 and 30?
  20. What countdown deejay intones: "keep your feet to the ground, and
    keep reaching for the stars"?
  21. What Shania Twain recording became the best-selling country music
    album ever by a female artist, in 1996?
  22. What Elton John album became the first album to enter the charts
    at Number One, in 1975?
  23. What veteran British rock star explained: "I smash guitars
    because I like them"?
  24. What Alanis Morissette debut album sold over ten million copies?
  25. Who stomped off a 1995 Lollapalooza stage after a fan of her late
    husband threw a shotgun shell at her feet?
  26. What opera star sold more recordings in 1990 than all but Madonna
    and Elton John?
  27. What country star changed his first name from Randall to Hank?
  28. What Bizet opera concerns a gal who dumps a soldier for a
  29. What late pun rocker did Debbie Gibson try to contact during a
    Halloween séance in 1988?
  30. What songstress died before the release of her cross-over album
    Dreaming of You?
  31. What composer was honored on the bicentennial of his death with a
    180-disc compilation of all his works?
  32. What 1976 and 1991 hit begins: "Is this the real life / Is this
    just fantasy"?
  33. What did Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen lose in a 1984 auto
  34. What Allman Brothers anthem announces: "When it's time to leave I
    hope you'll understand"?
  35. What British punks played to more fans in the first weekend of
    their 1996 "Filthy Lucre" tour than during their entire 1978 U.S.
  36. What 23-year-old Tejano singer was murdered by her fan club
Answers to Fun Daily Trivia Quiz   # 150 - Music Questions

  1. Zero.
  2. "God bless America".
  3. R.E.M.
  4. The Bee Gees.
  5. The Beatles'.
  6. Camptown Races.
  7. A:  Madonna.
  8. Whoopi Goldberg.
  9. Four.
  10. Melissa Etheridge.
  11. "Duke" Ellington.
  12. Miles Davis.
  13. Friends.
  14. Beavis and Butt-head.
  15. Kool Moe Dee.
  16. Zero.
  17. Bob Dylan.
  18. French.
  19. Gioacchino Rossini.
  20. Casey Kasem.
  21. The Woman in Me.
  22. Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy.
  23. Pete Townshend.
  24. Jagged Little Pill.
  25. Courtney Love.
  26. Luciano Pavarottti.
  27. Hank Williams Jr.
  28. Carmen.
  29. Sid Vicious.
  30. Selena.
  31. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
  32. Bohemian Rhapsody.
  33. An arm.
  34. Ramblin' Man.
  35. The Sex Pistols.
  36. Selena.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Almost Daily Music Trivia Quiz #149 - Music, Songs, Artists, Albums and More!

Music related trivia quiz questions and answers
  1. Who was the youngest person to have a chart-topping solo single,
    in 1970?
  2. What German playwright penned the lyrics to Mack the Knife and
    Alabama Song?
  3. What's indicated by the word fine on a piece of sheet music?
  4. What grungeless Seattle band's name is affectionately abbreviated
    "Pot USA"?
  5. What question ends the Ira Gershwin lines: "I got rhythm / I got
    music / I got my man..."?
  6. What calypso singer founded the USA For Africa charity that
    recorded We Are the World?
  7. What group's lead guitar player is known for his guitar amps with
    control knobs that go up to 11, "one more than 10"?
  8. What was the best-selling album named after a city, in the 1970s?
  9. What fellow Floridian did Jon Secada write and sing back-up for
    before going solo?
  10. What song includes the lines: "I've lived a life that's full / I
    traveled each and ev'ry highway..."?
  11. What Beatles song advises: "One thing I can tell you is you got
    to be free"?
  12. What TV host went gold with the CD Romantic Christmas?
  13. What seven words complete the Purple Haze line: "Actin' funny,
    but I don't know why"?
  14. Who adorned his last piano with 350 pounds of rhinestones?
  15. What did Melissa Etheridge title her first album after coming out
    of the closet?
  16. How many singles did Bruce Springsteen put atop Billboard charts
    in the 1980s?
  17. What crooner's mother warned him not to change his name to
    Frankie Satin?
  18. Who sold part of his ownership of Beatles songs to Sony for $95
    million in 1995?
  19. Who's responsible for the LPs Shamrocks and Champagne, Bubbles in
    the Wine and Pick-a-Polka?
  20. Who did Chuck Berry say "could play a guitar just like ringing a
  21. What classical conductor won posthumous Grammy Awards in
    1991,1992, and 1993?
  22. What singer for a '70s British rock quartet changed his name from
    Frederick Bulsara?
  23. What British duo's works are referred to as the Savoy Operas?
    Gilbert & Sullivan's.
  24. What rock group is immortalized on Butt-head's T-shirt?
    AC /  DC.
  25. What stringed symphonic instrument has a pedestal and a crown?
    The harp.
  26. Who were Benn, Bjorn, Agnetha and Frida?
  27. What rock group's only beardless member is Frank Beard?
    ZZ Top's.

Answers to Fun Daily Trivia Quiz   #149 - Music Questions
  1. Michael Jackson.
  2. Bertholt Brecht.
  3. The end.
  4. The Presidents of the United States.
  5. "Who could ask for anything more?".
  6. Harry Belafonte.
  7. Spinal Tap's.
  8. Boston.
  9. Gloria Estefan.
  10. My Way.
  11. Come Together.
  12. John Tesh.
  13. "Scuse me while I kiss the sky".
  14. Liberace.
  15. Yes I Am.
  16. Zero.
  17. Frank Sinatra's.
  18. Michael Jackson.
  19. Lawrence Welk.
  20. Johnny B. Goode.
  21. Leonard Bernstein.
  22. Freddie Mercury.
  23. Gilbert & Sullivan's.
  24. AC /  DC.
  25. The harp.
  26. ABBA.
  27. ZZ Top's.