Saturday, July 9, 2011

Free Daily Trivia Quiz #178 - Alfred Hitchcock Movie Trivia Questions

Alfred Hitchcock Movie Trivia Quiz Questions

  1. In Alfred Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train, what sport does Farley
    Granger excel in?
  2. In Hitchcock's Frenzy, what was the murder weapon used?
  3. What was the name of the character in Psycho played by Anthony
  4. Bodega Bay was the location for which Hitchcock movie?
  5. What movie director was said to have described actors as
  6. Which movie has the last line: "...and they'll say 'why, she
    wouldn't even hurt a fly'"?
  7. In which Hitchcock movie does a glass of milk figure in a key
  8. Which one of Hitchcock's films have the villain fall from the
    Statue of Liberty?
  9. What is the name of Maxim de Winter's house in the Hitchcock
    movie Rebecca?
  10. In Hitchcock's Vertigo what does the hero have a fear of?
  11. The heroine of which Hitchcock film found a shrunken head in her
  12. What was different than normal about the background music to
    Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho?
  13. In which one of Alfred Hitchcock's movies did the characters
    Scottie Ferguson and Madeleine Elster appear?
  14. The climax to Hitchcock's "The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) took
    place in what concert arena?
  15. What was the "trouble" in the movie "The Trouble with Harry"?
  16. The Birds, a 1963 Hitchcock movie, was based on a novel written
    by whom?
  17. In Shadow of a Doubt, how does the central villain Joseph Cotten
  18. Which Hitchcock movie has a man fall from the Statue of Liberty?
  19. What was the name of the actress who met Norman Bates in a 1998
    remake of Psycho and Hannibal Lecter in the 2001 movie Hannibal?
  20. What was the name of the character played by Janet Leigh in
  21. In the film Psycho what was Norman Bate's hobby?
  22. In which movie was the first flushing toilet ever seen?

Answers to Trivia Quiz #176 - Movie Trivia

  1. Tennis.
  2. Neck tie.
  3. Norman Bates.
  4. The Birds.
  5. Alfred Hitchcock.
  6. Psycho.
  7. Suspicion.
  8. Saboteur.
  9. Manderley.
  10. Heights.
  11. Under Capricorn.
  12. It was composed of only strings.
  13. Vertigo.
  14. Albert Hall.
  15. Harry was dead.
  16. Daphne Du Maurier.
  17. Falls from a train.
  18. Saboteur.
  19. Julianne Moore.
  20. Marion Crane.
  21. Stuffing birds.
  22. Psycho.