Monday, May 16, 2011

Almost Daily Trivia Quiz #129 - International Trivia Quiz Questions

International trivia questions and answers.
  1. What organization elects the 15 judges of the World Court?
  2. What Irish political movement is named after a phrase meaning
    "we ourselves:?
  3. What nation was miffed when Hubert Humphrey declined its
    secret offer to help finance his 1968 presidential campaign?
  4. What physicist's last words were not understood because his
    nurse did not speak German?
  5. What dictator is affectionately dubbed EL Maximo by fans?
  6. What 10-year old began earning his bad reputation by throwing
    puppies off the Kremlin walls in 1540?
  7. What country used weather-born balloons to drop more than a
    hundred bombs on North America during World War II.
  8. What socialist writer's last words were: "Last words are for
    fools who haven't said enough"?
  9. What former Soviet newspaper had to depend on cash from
    the Greek Communist Party to stay alive in the 1990s?
  10. What strategic group of islands did Portugal allow Britain to
    access during World War II?
  11. What country was disputed in the largest sea-air battle
    in history, from October 22-27, 1944?
  12. What did four million prisoners die mining for in
    Stalin's Kolyma forced labor camp?
  13. What 1938 pact caused Winston Churchill to utter: "We have
    sustained a defeat without a war"?
  14. Who's believed by many to be buried in Downpatrick under a
    tombstone marked with the letter "F"?
  15. What French explorer was murdered by his crew after he spent
    two  years failing to locate the mouth of the Mississippi?
  16. What can Germans publicly deny the existence of the earn five
    years in prison?
  17. What's the Islamic Resistance Movement better known as
    to Palestinians?
  18. What nation was bounced from the Organization of American
    States in 1962?
  19. What political system was gradually dismantled in South
    Africa, stating in 1989?
  20. What famous Swiss citizen said of nuclear bombs: "If I had
    known, I would have become a watchmaker"?
  21. Who did Yigal Amir assassinate in 1995?
  22. Who was the longest reigning Arab ruler, through 1995?
  23. What royal briefly banished Sir Walter Raleigh to the
    Tower of London after hearing of his secret marriage to her maid of
  24. What war lasted from June5, 1967 to June 10, 1967?
  25. What Polish political movement got the support of Pope John
    Paul II in the 1980s?
  26. What Argentinean was buried in a Milan cemetery under the
    pseudonym Maria Maggi?
Answers to Daily Trivia Quiz # 129 - International Trivia.
  1. The United Nations.
  2. Sinn Fein.
  3. The Soviet Union.
  4. Albert Einstein's.
  5. Fidel Castro.
  6. Ivan the Terrible.
  7. Japan.
  8. Karl Marx's.
  9. Pravda.
  10. The Azores.
  11. The Philippines. 
  12. Gold. 
  13. The Munich Pact. 
  14. St. Patrick.
  15. Robert La Salle.
  16. The Holocaust.
  17. Hamas.
  18. Cuba.
  19. Apartheid.
  20. Albert Einstein.
  21. Yitzhak Rabin. 
  22. King Hussein of Jordan. 
  23. Elizabeth I. 
  24. The six day war.
  25. Solidarity.
  26. Eve Peron.